Leea rubra Blume ex Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1 (1824)
Latin for 'red', referring to the hairs.
Leea brunoniana Clarke
Leea linearifolia Clarke
Leea polyphylla Miq.
Leea rubra forma celebica Koord.
Leea rubra var. apiifolia Zipp. ex Miq.
Leea rubra var. polyphylla (Miq.) Miq.
A small semi-herbaceous shrub, up to 3 m tall; leaves 2-4-pinnate, leaflets numerous, rachis
(2.5-)5-25(-42) cm long, petiole 2-8(-15) cm long, stipules a narrow wing, 2-4 cm x 0.3-0.5 cm,
leaflets ovate to ovate-oblong or elliptical to elliptical-lanceolate, (2-)4-8(-14) cm x (0.3-)1.5-4(-6)
cm, base rounded to acute, apex acute to shortly acuminate, margin crenate to shallowly serrate,
pearl-glands apparently absent; cyme (4-)8-14(-16) cm long, generally compact, rusty pubescent,
bracts deltoid-triangular, inconspicuous; flowers bright red, calyx 2-2.5 mm x 1.5-2.5 mm, glabrous,
staminodial tube about 1-2 mm long, upper free part 1-1.3 mm long, lobes shallowly retuse or cleft,
sinuses deep, ovary 4-6-celled; berry 8-10 mm in diameter, dark red, 6-seeded; seed 4 mm x 4 mm.
In secondary regrowth and scrub up to 500 m altitude. Often in dry monoon and savanna forest.
Also on limestone.
From India and southern China to New Guinea and Australia.
In Peninsular Malaysia, the ground root mixed with arsenic is externally applied as a poultice
against yaws, while the sap of the plant is drunk simultaneously. In Java, the leaves are externally
applied for poulticing wounds, the fruits are eaten as a remedy against yaws and dysentery. In
Indo-China, a decoction or tincture of the root is taken against stomach-ache, rheumatism and arthritis.
In Thailand, the roots are used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.
Local names
Indonesia: ginggijan beureum (Sundanese), girang (Javanese).
Malaysia: mali-mali puchok merah.
Thailand: katangbai (Bangkok), khueang (central).
Vietnam: g[oos]i h[aj]c t[is]a, ph[is] t[uwr], cu ch[os]i.