Stemonurus secundiflorus Blume, Bijdr. (1826)
Latin for 'with flowers on one side'.
Croton laurifolius Nor.
Lasianthera secundiflora (Blume) Miq.
Lasianthera secundiflora var. sumatrana Miq.
Stemonurus lanceolatus Becc.
Stemonurus pauciflorus Ridl.
Stemonurus ridleyanus Sleum.
Stemonurus secundiflorus var. valetonii Hochr.
Urandra lanceolata (Becc.) O.Ktze
Urandra secundiflora (Blume) O.Ktze
Sub-canopy tree up to 27 m tall and 38 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
alternate, simple, penni-veined, venation barely visible, glabrous. Flowers ca.
7 mm diameter, green-white-yellow, placed in umbells. Fruits ca. 46 mm long,
green, (floating) drupes.
In undisturbed (peat)-swamp forests up to 100 m altitude. In secondary
forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant tree. Fruits dispersed via
Wood for indoor construction. Fruits edible after repeated cooking. In Pahang, hot leaves are applied to swellings, or steam with the plant in boiling water.
Fruit eaten in Sinaloar Island after special preparation. Timber light brown, used in interior construction; shipped to Singapore.
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, West-, Central-
and East-Kalimantan).
Local names
Borneo: Ensurok, Entaburok, Jerumut, Kepot bejuku, Semanten, Semburok.