Xerospermum noronhianum (Blume) Blume, Rumphia 3 (1847)
Named after F. de Noronha [?-1787], a Spanish?, Portuguese? or French? botanist.
Arytera xerocarpa (Blume) Adelb.
Cupania glabrata Kurz
Euphoria noronhiana Blume
Euphoria xerocarpa Blume
Nephelium muricatum Griff.
Nephelium noronhianum (Blume) Cambess.
Nephelium xerocarpum (Blume) Cambess.
Sapindus glabratus Wall.
Xerospermum brachyphyllum Radlk.
Xerospermum cylindrocarpum Radlk.
Xerospermum echinulatum Radlk.
Xerospermum fallax Radlk.
Xerospermum glabratum Radlk.
Xerospermum intermedium Radlk.
Xerospermum lanceolatum Radlk.
Xerospermum muricatum Radlk.
Xerospermum testudineum Radlk.
Xerospermum wallichii King
Xerospermum xanthophyllum Radlk.
Sub-canopy tree up to 26 m tall and 66 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
alternate, compound, leaflets penni-veined, glabrous. Flowers ca. 4 mm diameter,
white-yellow, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 18 mm long, yellow-orange, warty
drupes. Seeds with yellow aril.
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp to sub-montane forests up to 1500 m
altitude. Mostly on hillsides and alluvial sites with sandy to clay soils. In
secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant.
The sarcotesta around the seeds is edible, sweet and of good flavour. The fruits and leaves are used to alleviate stomachache.
The wood is hard and durable, light brown, used in building.
India, Bangladesh, Burma, Indo-China, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia,
Sumatra, Java, Borneo (throughout the island).
Local names
Borneo: Mamangas, Resat, Semayap.
Indonesia: rambutan pacet (Malay), tjorogol monjet (Sundanese).
Malaysia: rambutan pacet, balong ayam, kata keran.
Thailand: klolaen (Nakhon Ratchasima), khohia (Chanthaburi).