Pometia pinnata Forst. & Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775)
Latin for 'feather-like', referring to the compound leaves.
Dabanus acuminatus (Hook.f.) Kuntze
Dabanus pinnatus (Forst. & Forst.) Kuntze
Euphoria pometia Poir.
Irina alnifolia Blume
Irina glabra Blume
Irina tomentosa Blume
Irina tomentosa var. alnifolia (Blume) Miq.
Irina tomentosa forma cuspidata Blume
Nephelium acuminatum Hook.f.
Nephelium pinnatum (Forst. & Forst.) Cambess.
Pometia acuminata (Hook.f.) Radlk.
Pometia alnifolia (Blume) King
Pometia coriacea Radlk.
Pometia glabra (Blume) Teijsm. & Binn.
Pometia macrocarpa Kurz
Pometia pinnata forma acuminata (Hook.f.) Jacobs
Pometia pinnata forma alnifolia (Blume) Jacobs
Pometia pinnata forma cuspidata (Blume) jacobs
Pometia pinnata forma glabra (Blume) Jacobs
Pometia pinnata forma macrocarpa (Kurz) Jacobs
Pometia pinnata forma pinnata Jacobs
Pometia pinnata forma repanda Jacobs
Pometia pinnata forma tomentosa (Blume) Jacobs
Pometia pinnata var. javanica Koord. & Valet.
Pometia tomentosa (Blume) Teijsm. & Binn.
Pometia tomentosa var. cuspidata (Blume) J.Britten
Upper canopy tree up to 46 m tall and 80 cm dbh. Stipules absent, but
pseudo-stipules usually present (i.e. leaf-like appendages at leaf petiole base,
not on twig). Leaves alternate, compound, leaflets penni-veined, glabrous to
densely hairy, margin entire to toothed. Flowers ca. 2 mm diameter,
green-yellow, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 26 mm long, red-purple, drupes.
Seeds with white aril.
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 700 m altitude. Often on
alluvial sites and along or near rivers and streams, but also on hillsides. On
sandy to clay soils. In secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance
The wood is used for construction, furniture, flooring, etc. The wood is
also used to produce charcoal. The bark and leaves are used to treat fever and
sores. The leaves are used against rice-pests. The fruits are edible.
From Sri Lanka and southern China to New Guinea and the western Pacific. In
Borneo throughout the island.
Local names
Borneo: Dipangah, Kasai, Kayu sapi, Kuang, Lantupak, Matoa, Pangak, Pitanah.
Indonesia: kayu sapi (Java).
Malaysia: kasai daun besar (Peninsular).
Papua New Guinea: obahu.
Philippines: tugaui (Bikol, Tagalog).
Thailand: saen ta lom.
Vietnamese: tr[uw][owf]ng m[aaj]t.