Nephelium subfalcatum Radlk., Rec. Bot. Surv. India 3 (1907)
Latin for 'sickle-shaped'.
Mid-canopy tree up to 31(-35) m tall and 44(-60) cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
alternate, compound, leaflets penni-veined, glabrous. Flowers ca. 3 mm diameter,
yellowish, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 33 mm long, green-red, long spiny
Tree, up to 35 m high, dbh up to 60 cm, with up
to 2 m high buttresses. Twigs 1.5-5 mm thick, puberulous,
mostly early glabrescent. Leaves 1-foliolate
to 5-jugate; petiole 1.5-7 cm long, 0.75-1.5
mm thick, terete to semiterete; axes sparsely puberulous
and mostly glabrescent, or glabrous from
the beginning; petiolules 3-10 mm long, above
mostly narrowly and deeply, sometimes only slightly
grooved, without a median rib but mostly with
swollen lateral ribs. Leaflets (narrowly) ovate to
elliptic, 4-15 by 1.5-5 cm, index 2.3-4.8, thin pergamentaceous
to coriaceous, glabrous or sometimes
beneath along the midrib with a few minute
appressed hairs; domatia absent; base acute to
rounded, attenuate; sides mostly slightly, sometimes
strongly curved, sometimes nearly parallel;
apex obtuse or rounded or tapering acuminate, the
acumen short, broad, and rounded to long, slender,
and acute; midrib above sunken to, sometimes
prominulous, nerves 0.5-1.5 cm apart, above
prominulous, +/- distinctly looped and joined near
the margin, nervation rather irregular because of
the often great number of variably developed intercalated
veins, veins clearly differentiated from
veinlets, reticulation very coarse, prominulous at
both sides. Inflorescences axillary, pseudoterminal,
or terminal. Sepals variably but mostly rather high
up connate, 1-2 mm long. Petals absent. Disc glabrous.
Stamens (6-)8. Ovary 2-celled. Fruits ellipsoid,
3.3-3.8 by 2.5 cm, glabrous, +/- densely
set with strap-shaped to filiform, curved, up to c.
15 mm long, appendages, bulbous to triangular at
the base, confluent or not; wall hard coriaceous,
up to c. 3 mm thick. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 500(-1000) m altitude. On hillsides
and ridges with sandy to clay soils.
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Melanyau, Mertapang, Rambutan.