Arytera litoralis Blume, Rumphia 3:170 (1849)

Latin for 'coastal'.

Arytera angustifolia Radlk.
Arytera gigantosperma Radlk.
Arytera litoralis forma angustifolia Radlk. in Gibbs
Arytera litoralis forma genuina Radlk. in Gibbs
Arytera litoralis forma major Radlk. in Gibbs
Arytera litoralis forma rufescens Radlk. in Gibbs
Arytera litoralis var major King
Arytera littoralis Blume
Arytera ochracea Blume ex Koord.
Arytera rufescens Radlk.
Arytera xerocarpa (Blume) Adelb.
Euphoria xerocarpa Blume
Guioa geminata Laut. & K. Schum. in K. Schum. & Laut.
Nephelium xerocarpum Cambess
Ratonia litoralis Teijsm. & Binn.
Ratonia zygolepis Turca.
Zygolrpis rufescens Turcz.

Trees, Rarely shrubs, 2-40 m high, dbh 7-91 cm; bark smooth, greyish green to reddish to almost black. Indumentum short appressed, straight. Branchlets hairy when young. Leaves 1-3(-4)-jugate; petioles 1.3-9.5 cm long; rachis 0.8-11.5 cm long, (hemi)terete, glabrous to hairy when young. Leaflets (sub)opposite, ovate to elliptic (to obovate), 4.2-31.3 by 1.4-12 cm, index 1.6-4.5, not falcate, upper surface glabrous, lower surface glabrous to hairy especially on major nerves, colour the same or (slightly) different from above; base symmetric, rarely oblique. Inflorescences axillary to pseudoterminal (ramiflorous), branching along rachis (basally or unbranched); rachis terete to slightly flattened, 1.5-17 cm long, hairy when young. Flowers 1-3.5 mm in diameter. calyx 0.8-2 mm high, deeply incised, outside hairy, inside glabrous, teeth equal. Petals (2-)5(-6), triangular to rhomboidal to (ob)ovate, 0.5-2.2 by 0.3-1.9 mm. Fruits with 1 or 2 (3) well-developed lobes, 0.7-3.6 by 0.5-2.3 cm, loculicidal, smooth to slightly rugose to verrucose, glabrous to slightly hairy, stipe 10-3 mm long. Seeds ellipsoidal to orbicular, not to slightly flattened laterally, 6-24 by 5-19 mm.

In primary and secondary forests on all kinds of soils; altitude 0-1500 m.

The sapwood is hard, tough and heavy, and used for agricultural implements and tool handles.

From From NE India, southern China and Hainan to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

Local names
Binmuhuan (China).