Timonius flavescens (Jacq.) Baker, Fl. Mauritius 144 (1877)
Latin for 'yellowish'.
Antirhea borneensis Valeton
Bobea glabra (Wight & Arn.) Korth.
Bobea inaequisepala Miq.
Bobea mutabilis Korth.
Bobea sericantha Miq.
Bobea sericantha forma glabrior Miq.
Eupyrena glabra Wight & Arn.
Guettarda brunonis Wall. ex G.Don
Guettarda missionis Wall. ex G.Don
Guettarda peduncularis Wall. ex G.Don
Guettarda pervilleana Baill.
Helospora flavescens Jacq.
Polyphragmon flavescens (Jacq.) Kurz
Polyphragmon flavescens var. macrocarpum Kurz
Polyphragmon mutabile (Korth.) Miq.
Polyphragmon sericanthum (Miq.) Miq.
Timonius jambosella Thwaites
Timonius koenigii Blume ex Korth. [Invalid]
Timonius mutabilis (Korth.) Walp.
Timonius peduncularis Ridl.
Timonius sechellensis Summerh.
Timonius sericanthus (Miq.) Boerl.
Timonius sericanthus var. inaequisepalus (Miq.) Boerl.
Understorey tree up to 12 m tall and 22 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 6 mm long,
triangular. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, hairy to glabrous. Flowers
ca. 5 mm diameter, yellow, with corolla tube, placed in cymes. Fruits ca. 9 mm
diameter, green-yellow, berries.
In secondary forests and in open sites in swamp, mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane
forests up to 1700 m altitude. On ridges and hillsides, but also on alluvial
sites and along rivers and streams. In sandy to clay soils.
The leaves are used to treat egg allergy.
Seychelles, India into Indochina and Malaysia to New Guinea.
Local names in Borneo
Medang suid, Mulung udok, Sebulu.