Nauclea subdita (Korth.) Steud., Nom. Bot. ed. 2, 2 (1841)
Latin for 'placed below'.
Nauclea dasyphylla (Miq.) Merr.
Nauclea glaberrima Blanco
Nauclea hirsuta (Havil.) Merr.
Nauclea horsfieldii (Miq.) Bremek.
Nauclea junghuhnii (Miq.) Merr.
Nauclea mitragyna (Miq.) Merr.
Nauclea multicephala (Elmer) Merr.
Nauclea pubescens (Val.) Merr.
Platanocarpum subditum Korth.
Sarcocepahlus dasyphyllus Miq.
Sarcocephalus hirsutus Havil.
Sarcocephalus horsfieldii Miq.
Sarcocephalus junghuhnii Miq.
Sarcocephalus mitragynus Miq.
Sarcocepahlus multicephalus Elmer
Sarcocephalus pubescens Val.
Sarcocephalus subditum (Korth.) Miq.
Mid-canopy tree up to 36 m tall and 57 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 10 mm long, with
rounded tip. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, glabrous. Flowers ca. 4 mm
diameter, yellow-orange, with corolla tube, flowers placed in globose flower
head. Fruits ca. 18 mm diameter, yellow-brownish, fused into compact, globose
fruit body.
Often in disturbed (open) habitats, but also in undisturbed swamp and mixed
dipterocarp forests up to 700 m altitude. Usually on alluvial sites and along
rivers and streams, but also common on ridges. On sandy to clay soils, also on
Young leaves used to treat stomach ache.
India, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo
(throughout the island), Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas.
Local names
Borneo: Banku, Bengkal, Bengkal gunung, Kayu besuk.