Pellacalyx axillaris Korth., Tijd. Nat. Gesch. Phys. 3 (1836)

Latin for 'axillary'.

Craterianthus fimbripetalus Val. ex Heyne
Pellacalyx axillaris var. serratifolia Korth.

Sub-canopy tree up to 27 m tall and 60 cm dbh, twigs hollow. Stipules ca. 13 mm long, usually hairy, dropped early. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, usually hairy below, leaf margin toothed. Flowers ca. 7 mm diameter, white-yellowish, in axillary bundles. Fruits ca. 8 mm long, greenish, berries.

Tree up to 27 m by 60 cm, trunk straight, monopodial, rather slender, buttresses up to 1 m. Branches stiffly horizontal, twigs rusty pubescent. Leaves drooping, oblong rarely obovate-oblong, 10-20 by 5-6 cm, densely stellately rusty-pubescent beneath, scattered hairy and glabrescent to glabrous above, acute, abruptly acute, or rarely acuminate, base obtuse to rounded, margin entire to serrulate; midrib prominently elevated beneath, slightly elevated above, nerves 9-12 pairs, ascending, elevated beneath, plane or slightly depressed above; petiole 5-8 mm. Stipules 1-1.5 cm long, rusty pubescent. Inflorescence densely rusty pubescent. Pedicels 1-2 cm. Calyx (incl. ovary) oblong, c. 10 mm long, base acute, densely pubescent without; lobes 5(-6) deltoid, 1.5 mm long; tube densely woolly hairy inside at the base. Petals yellowish green or white, broad-elliptic, obtuse rarely emarginate, sometimes the apex with filamentous appendages 1.5(-2.5) mm long, soon caducous. Ovary c. 1 by 4 mm, 10-celled; style 3 mm, pilose. Fruits ovoid or subglobose, c. 10 by 8 mm, (c. 18 by 16 mm when fresh), calyx lobes reflexed. Seeds oblong, obtuse at both ends, c. 1.5 by 1 mm, obscurely striate. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed to disturbed (open) mixed dipterocarp and swamp forests up to 1300 m altitude. Usually on alluvial sites and along rivers and streams on sandy to clay soils.

The wood is used for light construction work and as fire-wood. The timber is red, hard, and heavy and would be durable under roof.

Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines.

Local names
Bangka: Kayu merah kuku.
Borneo: Baruh, Buluh-buluh, Kayu baro, kayu baru, Kiramu, Menderakan, Merbuloh.
Malaysia: Abu-abu air, Bebuloh, Berbulu, Buloh, Bulu-bulu, Kayu baro, Kayu bulu, Mata keli, Membuloh, Piangu jautan.
Sumatra: Bebulu, Kayu bulu, Merah bulu.