Labisia pumila (Blume) Mez, Pflanzenr. 236(Heft 9): 171 171 (1902)
Name meaning 'dwarf', referring to the small size of the plant.
Herb (shrub) to 50 cm tall with an unbranched stem. Leaves alternate, simple, lanceolate, (8-)15-25 x (2.5-)5-7 cm, margin crenulate. Stipules absent.
Inflorescences are axillary racemes up to 8 cm long. Flowers are 5-merous, dirty-white to violet coloured. Fruit a red drupe.
Forest understorey.
Traditionally used as a kind of tea by women who experience a loss of libido. Despite its long history of traditional use, the active
components and mode of action have not been well studied. Extract from these herbs is usually ground into powder substances that are made
into capsules and pills. A concoction made from boiling the plant in water is given to women in labour to hasten delivery of their babies.
After childbirth, it may still be consumed by mothers to regain their strength. In other medicinal preparations, it can treat gonorrhoea,
dysentery and eliminate excessive gas in the body. Traditionally, it is used in Borneo for enhancing vitality, overcome tiredness and help
to tone vaginal muscles for women.
Indochina into Peninsular Thailand, Malaysia and Borneo.
Local names
Indonesia: Kacip fatimah.