Sarcotheca diversifolia (Miq.) Hall.f., Med. Rijksherb. Leiden 1 (1911)
Latin for 'with unequal leaves'.
Connaropsis acuminata Pearson
Connaropsis diversifolia (Miq.) Kurz
Connaropsis grandiflora Ridl.
Rourea diversifolia Miq.
Santalodes diversifolium (Miq.) O.Kuntze
Sarcotheca acuminata (Pearson) Hall.f.
Sarcotheca subtriplinervis Hall.f.
Sub-canopy tree up to 30 m tall and 65 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
alternate, compound, leaflets penni- to tripli-veined, glabrous. Flowers ca. 13
mm diameter, pink-violet-purple, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 19 mm long,
green-yellow, fleshy drupes with persistent calyx and stamens at base.
In undisturbed to disturbed mixed dipterocarp and keranga forests up to 500
m altitude. Usually on hillsides with clay to sandy soils.
The wood is used for indoor construction. The fruits are edible.
Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West-, Central- and East-Kalimantan).
Local names
Borneo: Asam, Belimbing bulat, Belimbing hutan, Buah piang, Buah picing, Iba jantan,
Kadazan, Kandis, Kerapa-kerapa, Jiwang, Perapan macas, Piang, Tabaus, Tebarus,
Tutong, Ubah gandis.