Syzygium rostratum (Blume) A.DC., Prodr. 3 (1828)
Latin for 'beaked', referring to the pointed leaf tips.
Calyptranthus rostrata Blume
Eugenia rostrata (Blume) Burgess
Eugenia tenuicuspis (Miq.) Koord. & Valet.
Jambosa tenuicuspis Miq.
Understorey tree up to 16 m tall and 24 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
opposite, simple, penni-veined, secondary veins placed close together, venation
inconspicuous, glabrous, leaf tip elongated. Flowers ca. 9 mm diameter,
white-yellowish, with protruding stamens, flowers placed in panicles. Fruits ca.
12 mm diameter, green-whitish, fleshy berries.
Small to medium sized canopy or subcanopy tree to 15 m tall, with smooth grey-brown bark; inner
bark thin, brown. Parts hairless. Twig slender, round, smooth, grey-brown. Leaf blade
c.6 x 2.5(4-8 x 1-3) cm, small, elliptic or lanceolate, drying glistening, dark tawny above paler
beneath; base wedge shaped tapering into a slender c.7 mm long stalk, acumen caudate gemerally
>1/3 length of blade; densely minutely pitted above densely more or less faintly brown dotted
beneath; veins c.25 pairs, subequal, equally visible distinctly raised but slender on both surfaces
as also tertiaries, spreading, tertiaries typically densely finely reticulate; intramarginal vein 1,
close to margin, hardly looped. Panicle to 3 terminal or 1-axillary, to 6 cm long, 2-branched, lax,
slender, with minute collar-like bracts, many-flowered. Flower bud to 8 x 3 mm including 5 mm
slender hardly tapering pseudostalk, club-shaped, sepal lobes 4 broadly semicircular but appearing
vestigial in young buds, obtuse or subacute, thick; stamens many. Fruit to 12 x 8 mm, spherical to
obovoid, at first with flared calyx lobes but caducous, with small, obscure calyx rim in ripe fruit,
drying pale. [from Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp, sub-montane and montane forests up to 2700
m altitude. Usually on hillsides and ridges, but also on alluvial sites. On
sandy to clay soils, sometimes on ultramafic.
Sumatra, Java, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Obah, Ubah.