Syzygium penibukanense Merr. & Perry, Mem. Amer. Ac. 18 (1939)

Latin for 'from Penibukan', a village near Gunung Kinabalu.

Eugenia penibukanense (Merr. & Perry) Burgess

Understorey tree up to 13 m tall and 20 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, venation conspicuous, glabrous, leaf base cordate. Flowers ca. 60 mm diameter, red-purplish, with protruding stamens, flowers placed on stem in bundles. Fruits ca. 33 mm diameter, green-pink-reddish, fleshy berries.

Understorey tree to 13 m tall, and 20 cm diameter, with smooth brown bark and red inner bark. Parts hairless. Twig c.4 mm diameter, stout, elliptic, pale grey, smooth. Leaf blade c.30 x 10(25-50 x 8-12) cm, ovate-lanceolate, drying dull red-brown above, very dull almost felt-like rust-brown beneath; margin rimmed, base eared to heart-shaped, abruptly ending at the short stout stalk, apex tapering to blunt acumen; densely faintly pitted above, dots scattered beneath; veins unequal, c.30 pairs, slender and not prominent but more so beneath than above, impressed above, spreading; teriaries indistinct; intramarginal vein 1, 2-3 mm within margin, looped. Flowers cauliflorous on trunk swellings, few on short rachises, buds large, to 30 x 15 mm, jambu-shaped with short tapering pseudostalk; sepal lobes 4, to 25 mm diameter, broadly triangular, spreading in flower; stamens many, style extruded to 15 mm. Fruit to 30 mm diameter, to 12 mm long, large, bowl shaped with persistent spreading sepal lobes, ripening purple. [from Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane forests up to 1700 m altitude. Usually on ridges, but also along rivers and streams. On sandy to ultramafic soils. Also common near the coast on sandy soils.
