Syzygium napiforme (Koord. & Valet.) Merr. & Perry, Mem. Amer. Ac. 18 (1939)

Latin for 'turnip-shaped', referring to the fruit.

Eugenia napiformis Koord. & Valet.

Mid-canopy tree up to 39 m tall and 71(-100) cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, venation inconspicuous, secondary veins placed close together, glabrous. Flowers ca. 9 mm diameter, white-pinkish, with protruding stamens, flowers in panicles. Fruits ca. 11 mm long, green-white-reddish, fleshy berries.

Large canopy tree, to 35(-39) m tall, 1 m diameter with to 2 m tall thin buttresses; bark reddish brown, becoming flaky, inner bark pink-brown. Parts hairless. Twig c.2 mm diameter apically, slender, at first quadrangular but soon round, pale greyish, smooth. Leaf blade c.8 x 3(4-12 x 1.5-6) cm, elliptic to lanceolate, drying dull pale grey-green; base wedge- shaped, tapering into c.1 cm slender stalk, acumen c.1 cm long subcaudate; obscurely pitted above, sparsely black dotted beneath; veins visible but hardly raised beneath, obscure or slightly impressed above, somewhat ascending, subequal, c.25 pairs; tertiaries obscure; intramarginal vein close to margin, hardly looped. Panicle to 6 cm long, to 3-terminal or 1-axillary, hardly branched. Flower white, bud c.12 x 4 mm, slender clove-shaped with long tapering pseudostalk c.3x receptacle length, minutely warty becoming pale ocherous following anthesis; sepal lobes 4, c.1 x 1 mm, shortly triangular almost vestigial, spaced, hyaline towards margins, curled back at flowering; stamens many, extending c.4 mm, style c.5 mm. Fruit to 20 x 8 mm, obconical to carrot-shaped, pale ocherous-brown, minutely pimpled. [from Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane forests up to 1800 m altitude. On hillsides and ridges, but also common on alluvial sites. On sandy to ultrabasic soils.

Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo.

Local names
Borneo: Obah, Tekam, Ubah.