Syzygium mappaceum (Korth.) Merrill & Perry, Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts 18: 164 (1939)

Species name meaning 'map-like', referring to the tertiary venetion of the leaves.

Eugenia formosa King
Eugenia lilacina Merr.
Eugenia nemoricola Ridl.
Eugenia pseudoformosa King
Eugenia ternifolia Roxb.
Jambosa formosa (Wall.) G.Don
Jambosa insignis Blume
Jambosa lancifolia Miq.
Jambosa mappacea Korth.
Jambosa tenuifolia Sweet
Syzygium formosum (Wall.) Masam.
Syzygium insigne (Blume) Merr. & Perry
Syzygium lilacinum (Merr.) Merr. & Perry
Syzygium pseudoformosum (King) Merr. & Perry

Understorey tree up to 12 m tall and 15 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, venation conspicuous, glabrous. Flowers ca. 40 mm diameter, white-pinkish, with protruding stamens, flowers placed in clusters. Fruits ca. 25 mm diameter, green?, fleshy berries.

Small understorey tree with pale ocherous-brown smooth bark with green scrape. Parts hairless. Twig cream-white, round, stout, smooth. Leaf blade c.26 x 8(12-27 x 4-9) cm, lanceolate, papery, dull red-brown above, rich rust-brown beneath; base heart-shaped or rounded, abruptly ending at c.8 mm short cream corky wrinkled (mature tree) stalk, acumen tapering, prominent; prominently pitted above, dots sparse hardly visible beneath; veins unequal, main veins c.14 pairs, raised on both surfaces but more so beneath, ascending, furrowed above; tertiaries distinct beneath, obscure above; intramarginal veins 2 the main vein well within margin, looped. Flowers in terminal or axillary clusters; peduncle of variable length; bud to 13 x 9 mm, jambu-shaped, tapering into pseudostalk, calyx to 20 x 15 mm at flowering, large, tapering from apex into stalk, sepal lobes 4, to 4 x 6 mm, hemispherical, obtuse, unequal and overlapping at base, spreading at flowering into a ring to 35 mm diameter; stamens many, style prominent. Fruit to 25 x 20 mm, ellipsoid or hemispherical, tapering to base, with prominent calyx crown surrounding a central cavity. [from Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 300 m altitude. Usually along streams and rivers on sandy to clay soils.

Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo.