Syzygium leucocladum Merr. & Perry, Mem. Amer. Ac. 18 (1939)
Latin for 'white twigs'.
Eugenia ambongensis var. havilandii Ridl.
Syzygium ambongense var. havilandii (Ridl.) Masamune
Canopy tree up to 80 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
opposite, simple, penni-veined, venation conspicuous, glabrous. Flowers ca. 6 mm
diameter, whitish?, with protruding stamens, flowers placed in compressed
panicles. Fruits ca. 17 mm diameter, green-pinkish, fleshy berries.
Canopy tree to 80 cm diameter, with whitish green smooth bark and pale brown inner bark.
Parts hairless. Twig c.3 mm diameter, distinctly angled, conspicuously cream, smooth. Leaf
blade c.17 x 6(10-23 x 3.5-9) cm, elliptic, papery, drying wrinkled, dull tawny above,
greenish brown beneath; base wedge-shaped, abruptly joining the c.5 mm short stalk, acumen
c.1 cm subcaudate, slender; densely pitted and pimpled above, conspicuously densely brown
dotted beneath; veins distinctly and equally raised on both surfaces, subequal, main c.25
pairs, furrowed above, somewhat ascending; tertiaries obscure above, distinct beneath;
intramarginal veins 2, the main 2-3 mm within margin, looped. Panicle to 11 cm long, to
3-terminal, 2-branched, bluntly quadrangular. Flower bud to 6 x 5 mm, goblet-shaped,
tapering into a c.3 mm tapering pseudostalk; sepal lobes 4, to 2 x 2 mm, ovate, subacute,
thick but with narrowly hyaline margin, becoming reflexed at anthesis; stamens many,
extruded 3 mm, style 4 mm. Fruit to 20 x 14 mm, ellipsoid, with prominent apical ring of
persistent sepal lobes. [from Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak]
In undisturbed to disturbed (open) mixed dipterocarp forests up to 100 m
altitude. Usually along rivers and streams on clay soils.