Syzygium kunstleri (King) Bahadur & R.C.Gaur, Ind. J. For. 1 (1978)
Named after H.H.Kunstler [?-?], a German plant collector.
Eugenia albidiramea Merr.
Eugenia chrysantha Anderson
Eugenia kunstleri King
Eugenia stictophylla Merr.
Syzygium albidirameum (Merr.) Merr. & Perry
Syzygium chrysanthum (Anderson) Merr. & Perry
Syzygium stictophyllum (Merr.) Merr. & Perry
Sub-canopy tree up to 23(-30) m tall and 48(-60) cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
opposite, simple, penni-veined, venation conspicuous, glabrous. Flowers ca. 5 mm
diameter, white-yellowish, with protruding stamens, flowers placed in panicles.
Fruits ca. 10 mm diameter, green, fleshy berries.
Generally small, occasionally canopy tree to 30 m tall, 60 cm diameter, fluted at base, with
whitish to orange-brown smooth to papery flaky bark; inner bark thick, fibrous, yellow-brown.
Parts hairless. Twig c.2 mm apically, round, pale grey-brown to cream-white, smooth. Leaf blade
variable, c. 11-16 x 3.5-6.5 cm, elliptic-oblong to obovate, thin, drying dull dark purple to
sometimes mauve-brown above, rich rust-brown to sometimes pink-brown or grey-brown beneath; base
wedge-shaped, tapering into c.14 mm stalk, apex c.15 mm caudate; densely distinctly minutely
pitted above, similarly more or less distinctly gold-brown dotted or pimpled beneath; veins
unequal, c.7 main pairs, very slender, slightly raised and usually drying slightly darker than
the blade beneath, generally slightly furrowed above; tertiaries indistinct; intramarginal vein
1-2, the main 5-8 m within margin, looped. Panicle to 5-terminal or subterminal-axillary, to 10 cm
long, slender, angular, to 5-terminal or sometimes axillary, 2-branched, many flowered. Flower
subtended by two minute narrowly triangular bracteoles; bud to 3 x 2 mm, small, obconical,
without distinct pseudostalk; sepal lobes obscure forming a slightly 4-toothed rim; stamens many.
Fruit c.15 mm diameter, spherical, to obovoid, smooth with small hardly raised apical sepal rim.
[from Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane forests up to 1700 m
altitude. Mostly on hillsides with sandy soils, but also on limestone, clay and
ultrabasic soils.
Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Obah, Ubah.