Syzygium grande (Wight) Walp., Repert. 2 (1843)
Latin for 'large', referring to the coarse twigs and leaves and large flower buds.
Eugenia cymosa Roxb.
Eugenia firma Wall.
Eugenia grandis Wight
Eugenia laosensis Gagn.
Eugenia laosensis var. quocensis Gagnep.
Eugenia montana Wight [Illegitimate]
Jambosa firma Blume
Jambosa grandis (Wight) Blume
Syzygium endertii Merr. & Perry
Syzygium firmum (Blume) Thwaites
Syzygium gadgilii M.R.Almeida [Illegitimate]
Syzygium grande var. parviflorum Chantaran. & J.Parn.
Syzygium laosense (Gagn.) Merr. & Perry
Syzygium laosense var. quocense (Gagnep.) H.T.Chang & R.H.Miao
Syzygium megaphyllum Merr. & Perry
Syzygium montanum Thwaites & Hook.f.
Syzygium tamilnadensis Rathakr. & V.Chithra [Illegitimate]
Upper canopy tree up to 45 m tall and 75(-80) cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
opposite, simple, penni-veined, venation prominent, glabrous. Flowers ca. 12 mm
diameter, white-yellowish, protruding stamens, flowers in panicles. Fruits ca.
35 mm diameter, green?, fleshy berries.
Large tree to 30(-45) m tall, 80 cm diameter, with dense dark crown of glossy leaves; bark pale
grey- to pink-brown, becoming cracked and flaky; inner bark pink-brown. Parts hairless. Twig
c.3 mm diameter, stout, terete, pale brown, smooth. Leaf blade c.16 x 9(12-20 x 6-10) cm,
elliptic-ovate, leathery, without pits or dots, drying somewhat glistening above, dull dark warm
chocolate-brown beneath; base wedge-shaped, tapering into c.16 mm stout petiole; apex bluntly
broadly acuminate, down-curved; midrib stout; veins unequal, main veins c.16 pairs with long
intermediates, distinctly raised throughout, prominent beneath, spreading; tertiaries distinctly
raised throughout, lax; intramarginal veins 1(3) pairs, 3-6 mm within margin, arched. Panicle
to 3-terminal or 1-subterminal axillary, to 14 cm long, rather slender, terete, 2-branched;
bracts to 3 mm long, lanceolate, fugaceous. Flower bud c.10 x 6 mm, pear-shaped with spherical
head and prominent to 8 mm tapering pseudostalk; sepal lobes 4, c.5 x 5 mm, broadly ovate, thick
and hyaline at tips only, strongly unequal, obtuse, overlapping one another; stamens many,
cream-white or sometimes pink, extruded 10 mm at anthesis, style 12 mm, the sepal lobes remaining
erect. Fruit to 4 x 3 cm, ellipsoid, smooth, with prominent c.6 mm diameter apical calyx rim.
[from Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak]
In forest on rocky sea shores and sandy beaches behind the Casuarina, but also in undisturbed
mixed dipterocarp, keranga, swamp and ultramafic forests up to 1700 m altitude. Often on alluvial
sites near or along rivers and streams, but also on hillsides and ridges. On sandy soils.
Often planted as a shade tree, or fire break.
Burma and Indo-China, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Jambu air, Obar, Ubal pek, Ubar, War, War pulut.