Baeckea frutescens L., Sp. Pl. (1753)
Latin for 'shrub-like'.
Baeckea chinensis Gaertn.
Baeckea cochinchinensis Blume [Illegitimate]
Baeckea cumingiana Schauer
Baeckea ericoides Schltdl.
Baeckea frutescens var. brachyphylla Merr. & L.M.Perry
Baeckea sinensis Gaertn.
Baeckea stenophylla F.Muell.
Baeckea sumatrana Blume
Cedrela rosmarinus Lour.
Drosodendron rosmarinus (Lour.) M.Roem.
Neuhofia rosmarinifolia Stokes
Shrub up to 6 m tall and 11 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves needle-like,
opposite, simple, glabrous. Flowers ca. 3 mm diameter, white-pink, placed
solitary in leaf axils. Fruits ca. 3 mm diameter, green-red-brown, urns-shaped,
berry-like capsules.
In exposed places in keranga, swamp, regrowth and sub-montane forests up to
1000 m altitude. Often on alluvial sites, but also on hillsides and ridges. On
poor sandy to ultrabasic soils.
The wood is locally used for fencing.
The leaves can be boiled to make a
refreshing tea; while dried and mixed with other ingredients in a powder, they
can be rubbed on the stomach for painful menstruation or childbirth.
From southern China, Indo-China and Thailand to New Guinea and Australia. In
Borneo collected in Sarawak, Sabah, Central-, South- and East-Kalimantan.
Local names
Borneo: Berungis, Cucor atap, Rampa-rampa, Rempah-rempah, Tagai, Tuturun atap, Ujung