Knema latifolia Warb., Mon. Myrist. (1897)
Latin for 'with broad leaves'.
Knema nitida Merr.
Knema umbellata Warb.
Knema winkleri Merr.
Myristica umbellata (Warb.) Boerl.
Understorey tree up to 20 m tall and 24 cm dbh. Bole without buttresses; crown cylindrical or
pyramidal; bark nearly smooth, peeling in narrow strips; inner bark brittle, pinkish, red, or
light brown; wood off-white, pale yellow, or pinkish. Leaves very glossy green above, grey-green
or glaucous beneath; midrib yellow-green, drying brown to red-brown beneath. Flowers outside
(yellowish) green, yellowish inside. Fruits yellow or (orange-)brown, the furry greyish
to rusty.
Tree 4-20 m. Twigs (1-)2-3 mm diameter, at first with minute greyish hairs 0.1 mm
long, early glabrescent; bark finely or coarsely striate, sometimes faintly cracking, not
flaking. Leaves (thinly) coriaceous, (elliptic-)oblong to obovate-oblong, (7-)10-30 by
(2.5-)4.5-12.5 cm, apex broadly acute(-acuminate) or subobtuse, base attenuate to
rounded; greenish brown to blackish, often glossy above; lower surface grey or pinkish
brown, at first with sparse stellate scale-like hairs 0.1 mm long, early glabrescent; dots
absent; midrib +/- raised above; nerves 8-16 pairs, slightly raised above; venation distinct
above; petiole 15-30 by 2-4 mm. Inflorescences: sessile or pedunculate up to 5 mm,
brachyblast simple or 2-4-furcate, to 8 mm long; in male 5-15-flowered, female 1-5-
flowered; flowers with grey-brown stellate hairs 0.1(-0.2) mm long or less, subglabrescent;
perianth 3- (or 4-)lobed, pale yellowish inside (always?). Male flowers: pedicel
5-10 mm long, bracteole subpersistent, subapical; buds depressed globose or broadly
(ob)ovoid, +/- trigonous, 2.5-3.5 by 3.5-5 mm, cleft 4/5(-5/6), lobes 0.5-1 mm thick;
staminal disc sharply 3- (or 4-)angled, flat or slightly convex, 2-2.5 mm diameter; anthers
3 (or 4), sessile below the angles of the disc, horizontal, 0.5-1 mm long, not touching;
androphore slender, 0.5-1 mm long. Female flowers: pedicel (4-)5-10 mm long,
bracteole median or above; buds ellipsoid-obovoid, with a faint constriction below the
middle, 5-7 by 4 mm, cleft 2/3-3/4, lobes 1 mm thick; ovary ovoid, 2-2.5 mm long;
style 0.5-0.8 mm long; stigma fleshy, +/- 2-lobed and each lobe again (2-)3-5-lobulate.
Fruits 1 or 2 per infructescence, globose-ellipsoid or ellipsoid-oblong, somewhat flattened,
often ridged, often somewhat saccate at base, 2-3.5 by 2-3 cm; dry pericarp 2-3
mm thick, with grey to rusty hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long, subglabrescent; fruiting pedicel
7-20 mm long. [from Flora Malesiana]
Primary or degraded lowland forest; forest on hill sides, ridges, low undulating ground,
sometimes (peat-)swamp forest; mixed dipterocarp forest, Agathis forest; on loam-, clay-, sand-,
acid-, and lime-containing soils; 0-500 m altitude.
Sumatra, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Darah-darah, Pendarahan.