Gymnacranthera farquhariana (Hook.f. & Thomson) Warb., Mon. Myrist. (1897)
Named after W. Farquhar [1770-1839], governor of Singapore [1819].
Gymnacranthera acuminata Merr.
Gymnacranthera apiculata Warb.
Gymnacranthera eugeniifolia (A.DC.) J.Sinclair
Gymnacranthera eugeniifolia var. eugeniifolia J.Sinclair
Gymnacranthera eugeniifolia var. griffithii (Hook.f.) J.Sinclair
Gymnacranthera farquhariana var. griffithii (Hook.f.) Warb.
Gymnacranthera farquhariana var. major (King) Gamble
Gymnacranthera farquhariana var. paniculata (A.DC.) R.T.A.Schouten
Gymnacranthera laxa Elmer
Gymnacranthera macrobotrys Merr.
Gymnacranthera paniculata (A.DC.) Warb.
Gymnacranthera paniculata var. paniculata J.Sinclair
Gymnacranthera paniculata var. zippeliana (Miq.) J.Sinclair
Gymnacranthera suluensis Warb.
Gymnacranthera zippeliana (Miq.) Warb.
Myristica apiculata (Warb.) Boerl.
Myristica eugeniifolia A.DC.
Myristica farquhariana Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson
Myristica farquhariana var. major King
Myristica griffithii Hook.f.
Myristica zippeliana Miq.
Mid-canopy tree up to 37 m tall and 45 cm dbh. Stem with red sap. Stipules
absent. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined but venation usually
inconspicuous, white below, glabrous. Flowers ca. 3 mm diameter, yellow-orange,
placed in small panicles. Fruits ca. 18 mm long, orange-red, glabrous, dehiscent
capsules. Seeds with completely divided whitish-yellow-orange aril.
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp, keranga, peat-swamp and sub-montane
forests up to 1600 m altitude. Usually on hillsides and ridges, but also on
alluvial (swampy) places. On poor sandy to ultrabasic soils. In secondary
forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant.
The wood is used for house posts and planks.
From Thailand to New Guinea. In Borneo found throughout the island.
Local names
Borneo: Darah-darah, Kumpang, Kumpang puteh.