Walsura pinnata Hassk., Retzia 1 (1855)
Latin for 'feather-like', referring to the leaves.
Heynea cochinchinensis Baill.
Napeodendron altissimum Ridl.
Walsura aherniana Perkins
Walsura angulata Craib
Walsura conchinchinensis (Baill.) Harms
Walsura elata Pierre
Walsura glauca C.Fischer
Walsura grandifolia Ridl.
Walsura hypoleuca Kurz
Walsura neurodes Hiern
Walsura villamilii Merr.
Walsura yunnanensis C.Y. Wu
Mid-canopy tree up to 31 m tall and 62 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves
alternate, compound, leaflets penni-veined, whitish below, glabrous. Flowers ca.
6 mm diameter, green-yellow-white-pink, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 27 mm
diameter, brown-orange, fleshy berries.
In undisturbed to slightly disturbed or open sites in mixed dipterocarp to
sub-montane forests up to 1100 m altitude. On hillsides and ridges, but also
along rivers and streams. On clay to sandy soils, also on limestone. In
secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant or planted.
The wood is used for construction locally. The fruits are edible. Cultivated
in forest gardens.
Burma, Thailand, South China, Taiwan, Indo-China, Peninsular Malaysia,
Sumatra, Java, Borneo (throughout the island), Philippines, Moluccas, New
Local names
Borneo: Mata kuching hutan, Rihat purok.