Aglaia oligophylla Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 1 (1861)

Latin for 'with few leaves'.

Aglaia anonoides Elmer ex B.D.Jackson
Aglaia bordenii Merr.
Aglaia euphorioides Pierre
Aglaia fusca King
Aglaia glaucescens King
Aglaia oligantha C.DC. in DC.
Aglaia pedicellaris C.DC.
Aglaia polyantha Ridl.
Aglaia quocensis Pierre
Aglaia ridleyi P.T.Li & X.M.Chen
Aphanamixis reticulosa Kosterm.
Meliacea singapureana Wall.
Milnea montana Miq.

Tree up to 20(-27) m. Bole up to 35 cm diameter, with small buttresses. Branches ascending or patent. Bark smooth, pinkish-brown, greyish green or very pale grey, with orange longitudinal and round lenticels and green longitudinal streaks and transverse ridges, inner bark green or yellowish-brown; sapwood pale orange brown or pale yellow; very little white latex. Twigs slender, densely covered with or with numerous pale yellowish-brown stellate hairs or scales. Leaves imparipinnate. up to 40 cm long and 30 cm wide; petiole up to 9 cm, petiole, rachis and petiolules with indumentum like the twigs. Leaflets 3-11,4.5-22 by 2-9 cm, subcoriaceous, both surfaces rather shiny when dry, acuminate-caudate at apex, cuneate or rounded at the asymmetrical base, with few to densely covered with pale brown stellate hairs on the midrib below and occasional on the rest of that surface; veins 5-10 on each side of the midrib, reticulation visible or subprominent on upper surface and subprominent on lower surface; petiolules up to 12(-20) mm. Inflorescence 10-20 cm long and 9-15 cm wide; peduncle up to 4 cm, peduncle, rachis and branches with surface and with numerous to densely covered with hairs like those on the twigs, the pedicels and calyx dark brown or black when dry and the calyx without or with very few pale brown stellate scales. Flowers up to 2 mm long and 2.5 mm wide; pedicels up to 1.5 mm. Petals 5. Staminal tube about half the length of the corolla, c. 1.3 mm across, depressed-globose with the aperture c. 0.8 mm across; anthers 5. obovoid, about half the length of the tube inserted about halfway up the tube and just protruding beyond the aperture. Infructescence with few fruits; peduncle up to 2 cm. Fruits 1-3 cm in diameter, subglobose; the pericarp brown or yellow, either thin, hard and brittle or thick, woody and longitudinally ridged, densely covered with pale yellowish-brown stellate hairs on the outside. Locule(s) 1 or 2, each containing 1 seed, with a translucent gelatinous, white or brown, sweet edible aril. [from Flora Malesiana]

Found in deciduous and evergreen primary forest, secondary forest, swamp forest, riverine forest and in kerangas; on limestone, granite, basalt, sandy loam, clay; sealevel to 830 m altitude.

The aril around the seed is edible. The wood is used as timber.

Indo-China, Thailand, Andaman Islands, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines.

Local names
Borneo: Langsat monyet, Sadapan luau, Segera.
Peninsular Malaysia: belangkas hutan, pasak lingga.
Philippines: manalau, potian (Tagalog), ansa (Pangasinan).