Aglaia monozyga Harms, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 15 (1941)
Latin for ?
Small tree 3-13 m, bole up to 21 cm diam. Bark smooth, white, inner bark reddishbrown
or yellowish-brown, cambium white. Twigs densely covered with reddish-brown
stellate hairs which are soon deciduous. Leaves imparipinnate (or simple), 8-67 cm
long, 2-52 cm wide; petiole 2.5-10(-14.5) cm long, petiole, rachis and pctiolules densely
covered with hairs like those on the twigs, deciduous. Leaflets (1-)3-5.8-25(-46)
by 3-7(-13) cm, pale green or yellowish-green when dry. coriaceous, recurved at margin
when dry, densely covered with hairs like those on the twigs on both surfaces when
young, deciduous, a few sometimes persisting on the midrib, the upper and lower surfaces
rugulose and minutely pitted, acuminate or caudate at apex, cuneale or attenuate at
the base, sometimes asymmetrical and rounded on one side; veins 6-15(-23) on each
side of the midrib, curved upwards; petiolules 1-3.5(-4) cm long, flattened or channelled
on the upper side, rounded below, swollen at the base. Inflorescences usually
several per flowering shoot, the most distal often in the axil of an unopened leaf near the
apex of the shoot, 11-3.5 cm long, 7-12 cm wide, peduncle up to 0.5 cm. peduncle,
rachis and branches densely covered with reddish-brown or pale reddish-brown stellate
hairs. Male flowers 1.2-2 mm long. 1.5-2.5 mm wide, pedicels 0.5-3.5 mm. pedicel
and calyx densely covered with pale reddish-brown stellate hairs. Petals 5. Staminal
tube cup-shaped or broadly cone-shaped 0.5-1.5 mm long, aperture c. I mm, with longitudinal
thickenings forming ribs on the inside below the anthers; anthers 5, inserted
on the inner margin of the tube and pointing towards the centre of the flower, c. 0.5 mm
long, dehiscing by short longitudinal slits in the lower half of the anthers, the apices of
the anthers extending beyond these. Female flowers c. 3 mm long and 2.5 mm wide.
Staminal tube c. 1.5 mm long and wide, cup-shaped; the aperture c. 1 mm; anthers 0.6-
0.7 mm long; otherwise like the male. Infructescence up to 6 cm with 1 or 2 fruits; peduncle
up to 3 cm. Fruits 1.7-3.5 cm long 1.3-3 cm in diam., subglobose or ellipsoid
and sometimes with a small beak, indehiscent, pericarp orange or orange-red densely
covered with or with numerous reddish-brown hairs or scales, deciduous on the ripe
fruit; aril pink. [from Flora Malesiana]
Found in primary forest, secondary forest, montane forest, riverine forest,
and freshwater swamp forest; on sand, loam, laterite; 17-2000 m altitude.
Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Beluno-beluno, Karang-karang, Langsat-langsat, Lukut, Tinting.