Aglaia macrocarpa (Miq.) Pannell, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 16 (1992)
Latin for 'long or large fruits'.
Aglaia pycnocarpa Miq.
Aglaia rubescens (Hiern) Dai
Aglaia rubescens (Hiern) Pannell
Aglaia trimera Ridl.
Aglaia triplex Ridl.
Amoora rubescens Hiern in Hook.f.
Amoora trichanthera Koord. & Valet.
Aphanamixis trichanthera (Koord. & Valet.) Koord.
Epicharis macrocarpa Miq.
Tree up to 50 m tall and 150 cm in circumference, with buttresses outwards
up to 100 cm. Bark reddish-brown and grey or pale, flaking in large irregular
scales and numerous reddish-brown lenticels, some in longitudinal rows; inner bark
dark red or pinkish-brown; sapwood pale yellow, pale or dark yellowish-brown or pale
reddish-brown; latex white. Twigs fairly stout, densely covered with minute reddish brown
or grey peltate scales which have a fmibriatc margin and arc deciduous, leaving
dark reddish-brown pits. Leaves imparipinnale, up to 70 cm long and 50 cm wide; petiole
up to 20 cm. Ilattened on the adaxial side, petiole, rachis and petiolules with indumentum
like the twigs. Leaflets 11-15, 5-25 by 2-7 cm, pale reddish-brown when
dry, coriaceous, acuminate or caudate at apex, rounded or cuneate at the asymmetrical
base, upper surface rugulose, shiny, lower surface rugulose with few minute reddish brown
scales or numerous pale grey peltate scales on the midrib and lateral veins, often
interspersed with minute reddish-brown pits; veins 6-11 on each side of the midrib,
lower surface with midrib and lateral veins with longitudinal wavy ridges, midrib prominent
and lateral seins slightly prominent; petiolules up to 15(-20) mm. Inflorescence up
to 30 cm long and 20 cm wide; peduncle up to 11 cm. peduncle, rachis, branches and
pedicels with indumentum like the twigs. Flowers dark yellow, up to 3.5(-5) mm long;
sessile or with pedicel up to 1(-3) mm. Calyx densely covered on the outside with dark
brown stellate scales. Petals 3. densely covered on the outside when young with dark
brown stellate scales which are deciduous at maturity. Staminal tube shorter than the
corolla, subglobose. with the aperture c. I mm across, and shallowly and irregularly
lobed; anthers 6-10, and half to as long as the tube, ellipsoid or narrowly ovoid, curved
with the tube and just protruding beyond the aperture, usually with scattered simple hairs.
Infnictescence with about 4 fruits; peduncle 3.5-8 cm, peduncle, rachis and branches
stout and with surface and indumentum like the twigs. Fruits up to 6 by 5.5 cm, obovoid,
the pericarp longitudinally wrinkled and moulded around the seeds when dry,
densely covered with dark reddish-brown stellate scales; fruit-stalk up to 1 cm. Locules
3, each containing or 1 seed. Seeds with a complete red, orange or white aril, c. 5.5 cm
long, 2.5 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick; testa brown. [from Flora Malesiana]
Found in lowland, hill and ridge forest, primary forest, secondary forest,
pole forest and along rivers and paths; on sandy clay, sandstone, loam, limestone and
basalt. Altitude from sealevel up to 1750 m.
Indo-China, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas.
Local names
Borneo: Birajang, Lantupak, Segera.