Aglaia lawii (Wight) Saldanha ex Ramamoorthy, in Saldanha & Nicolson, Fl. Hassan Distr. (1976)
Named after J.S. Law [1810?-1885?], a British plant collector.
Aglaia alternifoliola Merr.
Aglaia andamanica Hiern in Hook.f.
Aglaia attenuata H.L.Li
Aglaia beccarii C.DC.
Aglaia brachybotrys Merr.
Aglaia cagayanensis Merr.
Aglaia canarana (Turcz.) C.J.Saldanha
Aglaia euryphylla Koord. & Valeton
Aglaia eusideroxylon Koord. & Valet.
Aglaia grandifoliola Merr.
Aglaia haslettiana Haines
Aglaia jainii M.V.Viswan. & K.Ramach.
Aglaia korthalsii (Miq.) Pellegr.
Aglaia littoralis Zipp. ex Miq.
Aglaia maingayi (Hiern) King
Aglaia oligocarpa Miq.
Aglaia pedicellata (Hiern) Kosterm.
Aglaia racemosa Ridl.
Aglaia sclerocarpa C.DC.
Aglaia sibuyanensis Elmer ex Merr.
Aglaia stipitata Li & Chen
Aglaia submonophylla Miq.
Aglaia tamilnadensis N.C.Nair & R.Rajan
Aglaia tenuifolia H.L.Li
Aglaia tetrapetala Pierre
Aglaia trimera Merr.
Aglaia tsangii Merr.
Aglaia turczaninowii C.DC in DC.
Aglaia wangii H.L.Li
Aglaia wangii var. macrophylla H.L. Li
Aglaia yunnanensis H.L.Li
Amoora calcicola C.Y.Wu & H.Li
Amoora canarana (Turcz.) Hiern
Amoora curtispica L.S. Gibbs
Amoora dysoxyloides Kurz
Amoora korthalsii Miq.
Amoora lactescens Kurz
Amoora lawii (Wight) Bedd.
Amoora lepidota Merr.
Amoora maingayi Hiern in Hook.f.
Amoora ouangliensis (H.L¨¦v.) C.Y.Wu
Amoora tetrapetala (Pierre) Pellegr.
Amoora tetrapetala var. macrophylla (H.L.Li) C.Y.Wu
Amoora tsangii (Merr.) X.M.Chen
Amoora yunnanensis (H.L.Li) C.Y.Wu
Amoora yunnanensis var. macrophylla (H.L. Li) C.Y. Wu
Ficus ouangliensis H.L¨¦v.
Lansium pedicellatum Hiern in Hook.f.
Nemedra nimmonii Dalzell
Nimmonia lawii Wight
Oraoma canarana Turcz.
Tree up to 33 m, sometimes flowering as an unbranched treelet c. 1.6 m high. Bole
up to 75 cm in diam., fluted and with concave or tall narrow buttresses, upwards up to
1.8 m, outwards up to 1 m. Bark reddish-brown, orange brown, yellowish-brown or
pale pinkish-brown, rough and flaking in large thin irregular scales, sometimes with
large round orange lenticels, or bark grey or greenish-brown and smooth; inner bark
green, cambium white, sapwood pale orange, orange-brown or yellowish-brown,
sometimes turning magenta pink on exposure to air; latex white. Twigs usually slender,
sometimes up to 9 mm across, densely covered with pale brown or pale orange brown,
usually peltate scales which have an irregular or fimbriate margin and may have a dark
brownish-black central spot, sometimes densely covered with stellate scales and sometimes
with stellate hairs interspersed. Leaves imparipinnate, 7-66 cm long and 5-60 cm
wide; petiole 1.5-16 cm, petiole, rachis and petiolules with a few or densely covered
with scales like those on the twigs, in Borneo the rachis sometimes ridged or with narrow
foliolate wings up to 3 mm wide. Leaflets (1) 2-7(-11), 4-30 by 1.5-11.5 cm,
often orange-brown or whitish-green when dry, especially the veins, sometimes subcoriaceous,
acuminate or acuminate-caudate al apex, usually broadly cuneate but occasionally
rounded, attenuate or (sometimes in Borneo) cordate at the asymmetrical base,
sometimes rounded on the distal side and cuneate on the proximal side of the petiolule,
often with numerous pits on the upper and lower surfaces, without hairs or scales or
with occasional or numerous scales like those on the twigs on the lower surface; veins
5-21 on each side of the midrib, reticulation barely visible or subprominent on the
lower surface; sometimes (but not in Peninsular Malaysia) with a depression in the axil
between the lateral vein and the midrib which is surrounded by a dense tuft of stellate
hairs which have long arms or simple hairs; sessile or with petiolules up to 20 mm. Inflorescences
in the axils of c. 5 leaves near the apex of the shoot, in Borneo sometimes
ramillorous, 2.5-22 cm long and 1.5-20 cm wide; sessile or with a peduncle up to
10.5 cm long, peduncle, rachis and branches with numerous or densely covered with
scales or hairs like those on the twigs. Flowers 1.5-4.5 mm long, 1.5-5 mm wide;
pedicel 0.5-5 mm, the pedicels and calyx with few to densely covered with pale brown
or orange peltate scales which have a (imbriate margin or occasionally with stellate
hairs. Calyx divided into 3 or 4(-6) obtuse lobes. Corolla a short tube connate with the
base of the staminal tube, divided into 3 or 4(-6) subrotund lobes, sometimes with a
few scales like those on the twigs on the outside. Stamina! tube shorter than the corolla,
either obovoid with the aperture entire and 0.3-0.5 mm in diam. or cup-shaped with the
apical margin incurved and shallowly lobed and 0.6-1.5 mm in diam.; anthers (5) 6-10
(11), ovoid, 1/3-3/4 the length of the tube, inserted in the uppermost 1/3-1/2 of the
tube, included or just protruding through the aperture, sometimes with a few simple
hairs on the anthers and the inside of the staminal tube. Infructescence 3.5-15 cm long
with 1-20 fruits which ripen at different times; sessile or with a peduncle up to 5.5 cm
with surface and indumentum like the inllorescence. Fruits 1.7-2.8(-6) cm long, 1.2-
2.3(-3.5) cm in diam., subglobose, obovoid, ellipsoid or pear-shaped, sometimes with
a small beak, asymmetrical if a seed does not develop in each locule. dehiscent, fruitstalk
1.5-15 mm; pericarp usually c. 2.5 mm thick but sometimes in Borneo thinner so
that it is moulded around the seeds in the dried fruit, outer pericarp pink or sometimes
carmine red or yellow, densely covered with scales like those on the infructescence
branches, inner pericarp white; locules (2 or) 3 (or 4), each containing or 1 arillate
seed; aril 1-3.5 mm thick, the edges nearly meeting or meeting and overlapping on the
antiraphe side, easily peeled off the testa. the outer skin red or white, the flesh soft,
white and oily; seed with aril removed c. 14 mm long. 7 mm wide and 6 mm thick; testa
shiny dark brown. [from Flora Malesiana]
Seashore, primary lowland and hill forest up to 2000 m. In wet evergreen
forest, semi-evergreen forest, deciduous forest, peat swamp forest, riverine forest; on limestone,
sandstone, granite, clay, sandy loam and alluvial river soil. Probably dispersed by birds ranging
in size from bulbuls to magpies and hornbills. Some of these, especially hornbills, may occasionally
disperse seeds over long distances. Such dispersal, by birds of different sizes and mobility may,
in part, explain the frequency and wide distribution of this species.
Leaves are applied against headache (Mindanao); wood is used for construction (Palawan).
From India, China and Taiwan to the Solomon Islands.
Local names
Borneo: Kanomogon, Lantupak, Ngitonok.