Aglaia cumingiana Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 31 (1858)
Named after H. Cuming [1791-1865], a British plant and animal collector.
Aglaia tarangisi Elmer
Hearnia cumingiana (Turcz.) C.DC.
Tree up to 15 m tall, sometimes flowering at 3.5 m. Bole up to 30 cm in diam.
Branches ascending, fomrming a narrow open crown. Outer bark greenish-grey or greyish-
brown, with hoop marks, with pale lenticels in vertical rows; inner bark pale yellow
to pinkish-brown; sapwood white or pale yellow; heartwood reddish-brown; latex white,
copious. Twigs with few scales except at the apex which is densely covered with small
delicate pale brown stellate scales. Leaves 18-43 cm long, 16-38 cm wide; petiole 3-12
cm, petiole, rachis and petiolules with occasional scales like those on the twigs. Leaflets
3-7, 4-23 by 1.5-7.5 cm, both surfaces matt when dry, acuminate at apex, usually
cuneate, sometimes rounded at the slightly asymmetrical base, with very few scales like
those on the twigs on the midrib below, often with numerous tiny shiny orange spots
below; veins (4-)7-l2 on each side of the midrib, orange-green when dry, reticulation
subprominent below and visible above; petiolules 5-10(-30) cm long, with a swelling
at the base, which is black when dry. Male inflorescence 11-31 cm long, 1 1-28 cm
wide; peduncle 0.5-7 cm, peduncle, rachis and branches flattened, greenish-brown or
pale brown when dry and with a few pale brown or nearly white scales like those on
the twigs. Female inflorescence c. 19 cm long and 10 cm wide; peduncle c. 7 cm long.
Male and female flowers similar, 0.7-1.5 mm long, 1-1.7 mm wide; pedicels 0.5-0.8
(-1.3) mm, calyx and pedicel with scattered stellate scales or none at all. Petals 5. Staminal
tube dark yellow, 0.5-1 mm long, 0.7-1.5 mm wide, cup-shaped or obovoid,
thickened inside below the anthers, the aperture c. 0.7 mm, sometimes with the margin
incurved, anthers (4 or) 5, 0.3-0.5 mm long, up to 0.4 mm wide, protruding and pointing
towards the centre of the flower and filling the aperture. Infructescence 20-25 cm
long, 11-20 cm wide; peduncle 4-13 cm, peduncle, rachis and branches pale orange-brown
when dry, with few scales like those on the inflorescence; fruitstalks c. 5 mm.
Fruits 0.9-2 cm long, 0.5-0.8 cm wide, orange, obovoid when young, ellipsoid when
ripe, (often asymmetrical when only one seed develops, and the stigma is displaced to
one side during development of the fruit), with few scales like those on the twigs or
none at all, pericarp orange-brown, papery thin and brittle when dry, orange or red
when ripe and fresh. Locules 2, each containing or 1 seed. [from Flora Malesiana]
In open or disturbed sites in coastal, mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane
forests up to 1500 m altitude. Often along rivers and streams or on steep
hillsides and ridges. Usually associated with sandy and limestone soils.
Borneo, Philippines.
Local names
Borneo: Lantopak.