Aglaia angustifolia (Miq.) Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 4 (1868)
Latin for 'with narrow leaves'.
Aglaia angustifolia var. horsfieldiana C.DC, in DC.
Aglaia beccariana (C.DC.) Harms
Aglaia stenophylla Merr.
Argophilum pinnatum Blanco
Hartighsea angustifolia Miq.
Hearnia beccariana C.DC in DC.
Small tree up to 3.5-9 m tall and 12 cm diameter, unbranched or rarely forked.
Outer bark smooth, greyish-green or pale brown, with large lenticels; inner
bark pale orange or brown; sapwood pale yellowish-brown, becoming orange or brown
towards the centre; latex white. Twigs stout, densely covered with reddish-brown stellate
hairs which have arms up to 1 mm long. Leaves imparipinnate. up to 100 cm long
and 80 cm wide; petiole up to 15 cm. petiole, rachis and petiolules with indumentum
like the twigs. Leaflets 13-21(-25), 15-40 by 1-4 cm. linear-lanceolate, apex caudate,
acute, base asymmetrical, rounded or subcordate. with numerous to densely covered
with hairs like those on the twigs on the midrib on lower surface, few to numerous on
the veins, sparse to numerous on the lainina with the arms of adjacent hairs usually
overlapping and with smaller paler hairs with fewer arms on the surface in between;
veins 18-25 on each side of the inidrib. reticulation usually visible; petiolules 0-5 mm.
Inflorescence up to 20 cm long and 12 cm wide; peduncle up to 3 cm. peduncle, rachis,
branches and pedicels with numerous to densely covered with brown hairs like those on
the twigs. Flowers c. 1 .5 mm long; pedicels up to 1 .5 mm. Calyx with numerous stellate
scales on the outside. Petals 5. Staminal tube about 2/3 the length of the corolla, subglobose.
irregularly lobed al (he apical margin, anthers 5, about half the length of the tube,
ovoid, just protruding through the aperture. Infructescence up to 10 cm long; peduncle
c. 5 mm, peduncle, rachis, branches and fruitstalks with indumentum Hke the inflorescence.
Fruits up to 2 cm in diam., subglobose, yellowish-green or yellowish-brown;
pericarp soft and mealy, densely covered with reddish-brown stellate hairs on the outside.
Locules 2, each containing 1 seed. Seed pale yellowish-green with a complete
translucent aril. [from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp, swamp and keranga forests up to 1450 m altitude.
Usually on alluvial sites near rivers and streams. On sandy to yellow-red loamy or clay soils.
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines.
Local names
Borneo: Pasak bumis, Segara.