Pternandra cogniauxii Nayar,
Bull. Bot. Surv. Ind. 17 (1978)
Named after A. Cogniaux [1841-1916], a Belgian botanist.
Ewyckia cordata Korth.
Kibessia korthalsiana Cogn. in Boerl.
Macroplacis cordata (Korth.) Blume
Pternandra cardiophylla Ohwi
Rectomitra cordata (Korth.) Triana
Shrub up to 6 m tall and 7 cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, simple,
tripli-veined, tertiary venation visible, glabrous, leaf base can be slightly
cordate. Flowers ca. 6 mm diameter, pink-white, placed in axillary bundles.
Fruits ca. 8 mm diameter, pink-reddish, berries with spine-like appendages.
In undisturbed to disturbed mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane forests up to
1300 m altitude. Often on alluvial sites, especially along open river margins or
forest edges, but also on hillsides. On sandy to clay soils.
Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, West- and East-Kalimantan).
Local names
Borneo: Puloh, Pura saie, Seri-seri, Timberas burung.