Heritiera littoralis Dryander, in Aiton, Hort. Kew, 1st ed. 3 (1789)

Latin for 'coastal', referring to its preferred habitat.

Amygdalus littoralis (Dryander) O.Kuntze
Amygdalus minor (Gaertn.) O.Kuntze
Atunus litorea Rumph.
Balanopteris minor Gaertn.
Balanopteris tothila Gaertn.
Heritiera fomes Wall.
Heritiera minor Lam.
Heritiera tothila (Gaertn.) Kurz
Nagam Rheede
Samadera littoralis (Dryander) Oken
Samandura littoralis Oken
Sterculia ambiformis Ahern
Sterculia cymbiformis Blanco
Sutherlandia littoralis J.F.Gmelin

Mid-canopy tree up to 34 m tall and 102 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 7 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, tripli-veined, yellow-silvery lower surface with scales. Flowers ca. 5 mm diameter, yellow-pink-red-violet, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 44 mm long, green-yellow-brown-reddish, keeled nut.

Usually in coastal forests, but also in swamps up to 1200 m altitude. In mangroves, along tidal rivers, along beaches and in swamps. The seeds float on water.

The wood is used for bridges, wharfs and boats. Also as firewood. Twigs are used as toothbrush. The seeds are edible, and an extract of the seeds is used to treat diarrhea.

From tropical eastern Africa to Australia and the Pacific. In Borneo found along the coasts throughout the island.

Local names
Borneo: Dungun, Dungun ayer, Dungun kecil, Itik-itikan, Kalampu.