Durio zibethinus Murray, Syst. Nat. Veg. ed. 3 (1774)

After the Italian 'zibetto', a pheromone that is excreted by civets (small mammal).

Durio acuminatissimus Merr.
Durio stercoraceus Noronha [Invalid]

Mid-canopy tree up to 39 m tall and 97 cm dbh. Stipules present, but falling early. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, golden below, with clearly visible scales. Flowers ca. 55 mm in diameter, white-yellow, with 2-3-lobed epicalyx, placed in fascicled cymes on older branches. Fruits ca. 220 mm long, yellow, capsule with spines, seeds completely enclosed by (pale) yellow, sweet, edible aril.

In mixed dipterocarp forests up to 1400 m altitude. Growing along rivers, hillsides and ridges on sandy to clayey soils. In secondary forests usually present as pre-disturbance remnant tree, or planted (cultivated).

Cultivated for its edible fruits. The wood is used for furniture. The roots have medicinal properties.

Birma, Indo-China, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, Central- and East-Kalimantan), Philippines, Celebes and the Moluccas. Originally probably from Sumatra and Borneo.

Local names
Borneo: Catu, Dian, Duhuian, Durian, Durian puteh, Jatu, Kalang, Lampun, Lujian.