Mallotus havilandii Airy Shaw Shrubs to small trees up to ca. 8 m tall and 15 cm dbh, reproductive from 6 m tall and 6 cm dbh. Twigs solid, densely covered by short simple, tufted and stellate hairs. Stipules narrow triangular, semi-persistent, erect, 5-10 mm long by 0.5-1 mm wide. Petioles densely hairy, petioles of opposite leaf pairs differing in length, petiole of large leaf 0.3-0.5 cm long, petiole of small leaf 0-0.1 cm long. Leaves opposite, one of each pair much smaller and differing in shape; large leaf obovate, 16-27 cm long by 5.5-9 cm wide, length/width-ratio 2.67-4; secondary veins 12-18, not ending in the margin (fading); leaf base usually slightly cordate, oblique; leaf margin with glands, apically sometimes serrate; upper leaf surface hairy on veins, usually with many nectary glands on secondary veins along the whole leaf margin; leaf lower surface densely hairy (velvety), numerously gland dotted. Staminate inflorescences not branched; flowers clustered per bracteole; bracteoles with entire margins. Pistillate inflorescences not branched; fruits ca. 10 mm wide, 3-locular, with many short spines. Ecology: Collected up to ca. 200 m altitude. Only found on limestone. Probably a relatively shade-tolerant species. Distribution: Endemic for Borneo, where it has only been collected in Sarawak. |