Mallotus eucaustus Airy Shaw

Small trees up to ca. 23 m tall and 20 cm dbh, reproductive from 3 m tall and 4 cm dbh. Twigs solid, densely hairy (short simple hairs). Stipules triangular to ovate, usually early-caducous, erect, two stipules for each opposite leaf pair, surrounding the twigs completely, 4-10 mm long by 1-3 mm wide. Petioles densely hairy, 0.5-1.5 cm long, strongly pulvinate basally and apically. Leaves opposite, distichous, one of each pair scale-like (possibly two fused stipules); large leaf elliptic to obovate, 13.5-23 cm long by 3.5-6.5 cm wide, length/width-ratio 2.62-4; secondary veins 12-19, not ending in the margin (fading); leaf base oblique; leaf margin without glands to rarely apically with glands, rarely apically serrate; leaf upper surface glabrous to hairy on veins; leaf lower surface hairy. Staminate inflorescences not branched; only one flower per bracteole; bracteoles with entire margin. Pistillate inflorescences not branched; fruits 8-13 mm wide, 3-locular, with many short spines.

Ecology: Collected up to ca. 400 m altitude. A shade-tolerant forest understorey species, most common in primary forest, but also present in closed secondary forests.

Distribution: Endemic for Borneo, where it has been collected throughout the island, except South-Kalimantan.