Macaranga winkleri Pax & K.Hoffm. Small trees up to ca. 20 m tall and 25 cm dbh, reproductive from 2 m tall and 2 cm dbh. Twigs hollow, ant inhabited, glabrous, with small ant openings (ca. 1 mm diameter). Stipules triangular, (semi-)persistent, spreading, not surrounding the twigs completely, 13-28 mm long by 7-14 mm wide. Petioles glabrous, up to ca. 44 cm long. Leaves alternate, ovate, peltate, 19-41 cm long by 13.5-26 cm wide, length/width-ratio 1.31-1.63; secondary veins 11-15, basal pair arising at almost perpendicular angle from the midrib, ending in the margin; leaf base rounded, peltate margin length 3.8-8.2 cm; leaf margin with glands; leaf upper surface glabrous; leaf lower surface glabrous, numerously gland dotted. Staminate inflorescences branched; flowers clustered per bracteole; bracteoles with fimbriate margin. Pistillate inflorescences branched; fruits ca. 3 mm wide, 2-locular, not covered by glands. Ecology: Collected up to ca. 2000 m altitude. Early successional species growing in disturbed sites in primary forest and in secondary forests. Distribution: Endemic for Borneo, where it has been collected throughout the island.