Macaranga repando-dentata Airy Shaw Small trees up to ca. 15 m tall and 8 cm dbh, reproductive from 1 m tall and 2 cm dbh. Twigs solid, densely hairy (long and short simple hairs). Stipules needle-like, crowded at twig apex, semi-persistent, not surrounding the twig completely, 3-6 mm long by ca. 0.5 mm wide. Petioles densely hairy, up to ca. 6 cm long. Leaves alternate, ovate to obovate, 5.5-16.5 cm long by 3-7 cm wide, length/width-ratio 1.83-2.70; secondary veins 9-12, ending in the margin; leaf base cordate to auriculate; leaf margin with conspicuous glands; leaf upper surface hairy, with 2-4 basal nectary glands on basal veins, some distance from petiole insertion; leaf lower surface hairy, sometimes with roof-like domatia in vein axils, sparsely to numerously gland dotted. Staminate inflorescences not branched; flowers clustered per bracteole; bracteoles with entire margins. Pistillate inflorescences not branched, with one terminal fruit only, enclosed by enlarged, leaf-like bracteoles; fruits 11-12 mm wide, 2-locular, with few short spines. Ecology: Collected up to ca. 300 m altitude. A typical shade-tolerant forest understorey species. Most common in primary forests, but also present in closed secondary forests. Distribution: Endemic for Borneo, where it has been collected in Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, Central- and East-Kalimantan. Note: Macaranga fulva Airy Shaw, is likely a synonym of Macaranga repando-dentata Airy Shaw (see also notes under M. fulva). |