Barringtonia reticulata (Blume) Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855)
Latin for 'reticulate', referring to the leaf venation.
Barringtonia gitingensis Elmer
Barringtonia linggaensis Knuth
Barringtonia sumatrana Miq.
Michelia reticulata (Blume) O.Kuntze
Stravadium reticulatum Blume
Sub-canopy tree up to 30 m tall and 33 cm dbh, with drooping or straggling branches. Bark deeply
dissured, roughly cracked, grey. Twigs slender, c. 4 mm diameter. Stipules often present at
twig tips. Leaves crowded at twig tips, alternate, simple, elliptic, (11-)14-18(-22) x (3-)5-7(-8) cm,
penni-veined, glabrous, rather thick and tough, margin not or only slightly toothed. Inflorescences
spicate, terminal, pendulous, 30-65 cm long. Flowers ca. 40 mm diameter, pinkish-red, with protruding
stamens in 4 whorls, flowers placed on long racemes. Fruits ca. 43 mm long, green-red, strongly angular
In undisturbed peat-swamp, keranga, coastal and mixed dipterocarp forests up
to 200 m altitude. Usually on alluvial sites, sometimes on hillsides and ridges.
On sandy soils.
The sap of the leaves is used to dye teeth black.
Indo-China, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes.
Local names
Borneo: Gulungan hadik, Kayu putat hitam, Putat, Putat darat, Putat hitam, Putat paya (Malay).