Cinnamomum javanicum Blume, Bijdr. 570 (1826)
Species name meaning 'from Java'.
Cinnamomum neglectum Blume
Cinnamomum sulphuratum C.Nees
Laurus malabatrum Burm.f.
Tree. Stipules absent. Twigs densely brownish hairy. Petiole 1-2 cm long. leaves (sub-)opposite,
tri-veined with basal veins running almost to the tip of the leaf, leaf surface bullate between
secondary veins, lower surface densely covered with curly hairs. Inflorescences branched, up to 25 cm
long and densely hairy and with small whitish-yellow flowers. Fruit a purple-black drupe with basal
Medium-sized to large tree, to 35 m tall, to 50 cm diameter. Bark smooth or lenticellate, whitish or
greyish; inner bark fibrous, yellowish, brownish, reddish brown or orange; sapwood yellowish white.
Twigs stout, terete to subangular, 2-5 mm diameter, apically angular, densely hairy, glabrescent,
yellowish brown to dark brown. Terminal buds not perulate, conical or ellipsoid, c. 3-5 mm long, densely
covered with curly hairs. Leaves opposite or subopposite, trinerved, thinly coriaceous to coriaceous,
densely covered with curly hairy below, sometimes glabrescent, if so remnant of indumentum always present
near midrib below; without domatia, elliptic to oblong elliptic, 12-25(-35) by 5-12 cm, base cuneate to
slightly rounded, apex acuminate to mucronate with pointed or blunt tip, acumen 0.5-2 cm long; midrib
raised and prominent on both sides, angular below, c. 1 mm wide; lateral veins raised and prominent on
both sides, extending to the base of acumen or leaf tip; major intercostal veins impressed above, making
the blade bullate, prominently raised below, usually as distinct as midrib, scalariform, 2-(5-10) mm
apart; minor intercostal veins distinct and raised, scalariform; petiole stout, terete, hairy or
glabrescent, 1-2 cm long, 1-4 mm diameter. Inflorescences subterminal, paniculate-cymose with second or
third order of branching, (5-)13-25 cm long, densely hairy, yellowish brown; rachis stout, 1-4 mm broad;
bracts occasionally persistent, if persistent, elliptic, c. 3-8 mm long. Flowers drying yellowish hairy;
pedicels stout, 2-3(-5) mm long, c. 1 mm diameter; hypanthium c. 1 mm high; perianth lobes elliptic to
broadly elliptic, densely hairy, (1.5-)2-2.5(-3.5) mm long; fertile stamens 2-2.5 mm long, anthers 2-
to 4-locular, ovoid with obtuse or truncate tip, filaments c. 1/3-1/2 the length of stamen; glands large,
sessile to shortly stalked, attach at the middle or base of filaments; staminodes 1-2 mm long, hastate;
ovary ovoid or subglobose, c. 1 mm across, stigma subpeltate. Fruits ellipsoid with acute tip, c. 1 by
0.8 cm; cupule cup-shaped, 2-4 mm high, c. 8 mm diameter, hairy; perianth lobes persistent, broadly ovate,
3-5 by 2-4 mm, hairy; pedicels 4-5 mm long, 1-2 mm diameter. [from Wild Cinnamom of Borneo]
In primary kerangas, mixed dipterocarp and submontane forests up to ca. 1400 m elevation.
The wood is used for house building. The plant is used medicinally with Kadsura scandens Blume
to treat stomachache and to initiate abortion. The fume from burnt roots is used to repel evil spirit
from body. The root decoction is drunk to treat fatigue and chest pain.
From southern China to Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java and Borneo.
Local names
China: zhua wa rou gui.
Indonesia: Kayu tuha (Sumatra), Huru gading, Sintok lancang (Sundanese, Java).
Malaysia: Medang wangi, Medang teja, Kulit lawang kechil.