Vitex pinnata L., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753)
Latin for 'feather-like'.
Pistaciovitex pinnata (L.) Kuntze
Vitex arborea Roxb.
Vitex articulata Steud. [Invalid]
Vitex bracteata Horsf. ex Miq. [Invalid]
Vitex buddingii Moldenke
Vitex digitata Wight ex Steud.
Vitex heterophylla Blume ex Miq. [Invalid]
Vitex heterophylla var. puberula H.J.Lam
Vitex heterophylla var. velutina Koord. & Valeton
Vitex inaequifolia Turcz.
Vitex latifolia Lam. [Illegitimate]
Vitex pinnata forma glabrescens Moldenke
Vitex pinnata forma ptilota (Dop) Moldenke
Vitex puberula Miq. [Illegitimate]
Vitex pubescens Vahl [Illegitimate]
Vitex pubescens var. bicolor Kuntze
Vitex pubescens var. lilacina Kuntze
Vitex pubescens var. pantjarensis Hochr.
Vitex pubescens var. ptilota Dop
Vitex quinata var. puberula (H.J.Lam) Moldenke
Vitex sebesiae H.J.Lam ex Leeuwen
Vitex turczaninowii forma puberula (H.J.Lam) Moldenke
Vitex velutina (Koord. & Valeton) Koord.
Wallrothia articulata Roth
Understorey tree up to 15 m tall and 38 cm dbh. Bark fissured, flaky, pale yellowish grey to brown;
inner bark pale yellow becoming green on exposure; sapwood soft yellow to brown.
Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, palmately-compound, (3-)5-leaflets penni-veined, 3-25 cm by
1.5-10 cm, leaflets almost sessile, outre two mostly much smaller than the others,
base rounded to slightly wedge-shaped; apex acuminate; margin entire; secondary veins 10-20 pairs,
glabrous to hairy, scented. Inflorescences terminal panicles. Flowers ca. 8 mm diameter,
white-yellow-purplish, with corolla tube, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 6 mm diameter,
blue-purple, drupes.
In secondary regrowth and scrub up to 400 m altitude. Usually on alluvial
sites and near or along rivers and streams on clay soils. The fruits are
eaten by birds and seeds cannot germinate under the shade and need light to germinate
From India to New Guinea.
It has a very strong and durable wood, it is durable even in contact with water or soil.
It is a grayish brown in color. The wood is used for construction purposes, making
knife handles, posts, door and window frames, sleepers and some furniture. Leaves and
bark are used to treat abdominal pain, fever and malaria.
Local names
Borneo: Amola, Amolaung, Gagil, Humulawan, Kalapapa, Kulimpapa batu, Kulimpapa simpor,
Kulumpapa, Laban daun menjari, Laban, Laben, Leban, Pagil.
Komodo: Pampa.
Malaysia: Bunyak laban.
Sumatra: Kopiher (Karo language), Aloban-batu, Aloban Kardoek or Aloban bunga.
Sumba island: Hiketaroe.