Gnetum montanum Markgr., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 10: 466 (1930)

Species name meaning 'from the mountains'.

Gnetum montanum forma montanum

Vines to more than 10 m tall; branchlets orbicular or compressed orbicular in cross section, smooth, sometimes wrinkled longitudinally. Petiole 0.8-1.5 cm; leaf blade usually oblong, sometimes oblong- lanceolate or elliptic, 10-25 x 4-11 cm, leathery or nearly so, lateral veins 8-13 on each side, base rounded or broadly cuneate, apex obtuse to acute. Male inflorescences lax, once or twice branched, 2.5-6 cm; peduncle 6-12 mm; male spikes 2-3 cm x 2.5-3 mm, involucral collars 13-18, each collar with (20-)25-45 flowers plus 10-15 sterile female flowers, basal hairs forming a dense, short cushion. Female inflorescences lateral, solitary or fascicled, main axis thin, with 3 or 4 pairs of branches; peduncle 2-3 cm; female spikes 2-3 cm x ca. 4 mm, enlarging to ca. 10 cm when mature, nodes each with 5-8 female flowers, basal hairs sparse, short. Seeds yellowish brown or reddish brown, cylindric-ovoid or cylindric, (1-)1.2-1.5(-2) cm x 6.5-9(-12) mm, 1.6-1.85 x as long as wide, base rounded, sometimes contracted into a stipe to 3(-5) mm, outer coat smooth or +/- longitudinally wrinkled when dried, sometimes covered with silvery scales. [from Flora of China]

Subtropical broadleaved forests up to 2700 m elevation.

The fibers from the bark of the stem are used in making gunny bags, fishing nets, and ropes; the seeds yield an edible oil, are eaten fried, and are used for making wine; the sap is used as a cold drink.

From India, southern China (including Hainan) and Taiwan into Indochina and Peninsular Malaysia.

Local names