Archidendron borneense (Benth.) Nielsen, Opera Bot. 76 (1984)
Latin for 'from Borneo'.
Abarema borneense (Benth.) Kosterm.
Feuilleea borneense (Benth.) O.Kuntze
Pithecellobium borneense Benth.
Shrub or small tree to 12 m high, 24 cm in diameter. Sometimes with small, narrow
buttresses or stiltroots to 60 cm high. Bark smooth, grey or chocolate-brown, flaky, mottled with small,
raised lenticels; inner bark pale red; sapwood brown to white. Branchlets terete or c. angled by ridges
decurrent from the leaf-scars, scarcely puberulous by patent hairs, glabrescent. Leaves: rachis (3-)6-
10.5(-12) cm, puberulous, gland strongly raised, circular and concave, rarely linear-oblong with a
central depression, c. 2-4 mm long; pinnae 1 or 2 pairs, 2-13 cm, puberulous; petiolules 2-5 mm,
puberulous; leaflets (1-)2-5 pairs per pinna, opposite, coriaceous, drying grey-green to dark brown,
equal-sided to very unequal-sided, usually obliquely ovate, obovate, broadly elliptic, or subtrapezoid
(-lanceolate) 5-18 by 2.5-10 cm, base broadly cuneate to rounded, apex acuminate(-caudate), upper
surface subglabrous with puberulous main vein, lower surface subglabrous with a few scattered
hairs on the major veins and margins only; principal lateral veins 7-14(-20) per leaflet-half, parallel,
oblique, straight; reticulation prominulous or prominent on both surfaces. Inflorescences terminal
and axillary at the distal leaves, puberulous, consisting of pedunculate umbels aggregated into
panicles to c. 40 by 50 cm; umbels consisting of c. 4-7 flowers, pedicels to 4 mm; floral bracts
ovate elliptic, acute, c. 0.6 mm, puberulous to sericeous. Flowers pentamerous, bisexual. Calyx
greenish yellow, cup-shaped, 1-2 mm, appressed puberulous or sericeous; teeth deltoid, to 0.2 mm.
Corolla cream, funnel-shaped, 5-7 mm, appressed puberulous or sericeous; lobes ovate to ovate-elliptic
acute, 2-3 mm, sometimes reflexed. Stamens cream, to c. 20 mm, tube equalling the corolla tube
or shorter. Ovary solitary, densely puberulous. Pod reddish to orange both outside and within,
curved into a circle before dehiscence, densely spirally contorted after dehiscence, chartaceous-coriaceous,
c. 3.5 cm in diameter, valves c. 1 cm wide, slightly sinuate between the seeds, glabrous or
subglabrous, veins inconspicuous, dehiscence first along the ventral suture. Seeds black, ellipsoid,
compressed, c. 9 by 7 by 4 mm. [from Flora Malesiana]
Lowland freshwater swamp, peat-swamp forest, heath forest, a few records from low mossy forest on
sandstone ridges and peaks; altitude 0-1020 m.
Sumatra and Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Jiring paya, Kodingkang, Petai belalang, Tambarayung.