Acacia mangium Willd.,
Sp. Pl. ed. 4, 4 (1806)
Latin for the local name on Ambon for this species: Manggi-manggi-utan.
Acacia glaucescens "sensu Kaneh. & Hatus., non Wi"
Acacia holosericea A.Cunn.
Acacia holosericea var. glabrata auct. non Maiden
Acacia holosericea var. multispirea auct. non Domin
Acacia holosericea var. neurocarpa (uct. non (Hook.) Domin
Mangium montanum Rumph.
Racosperma mangium (Willd.) Pedley
Tree, up to 27 m high, bole straight, up to 13.5 m, 45 cm in diameter; crown spreading.
Bole sometimes spurred and broadly fluted at the base; bark dark brown or brownish
grey, fissured; sapwood white to yellowish, heartwood yellowish brown to dark brown, hard. Branchlets
acutely triangular, sometimes scurfy but soon glabrous. Phyllodes c. straight or straight along the
basiscopic margin and curved along the acroscopic margin, acute, up to 25 by 3.3-9 cm, 2-5 times
as long as wide, dark green, usually covered by a whitish bloom when young, major veins and margins
not yellowish, pulvinus 0.5-0.8 cm, with a basal gland, circular, c. 1.5 mm in diameter, c.
sunken into the petiole, with a narrow orifice, main longitudinal veins 4 (or 5), running contiguously
at the base near the basiscopic margin, and with several fine anastomosing secondary veins.
Spikes rather lax, 8-11 by 0.65-0.9 cm, solitary or paired in the axils of the distal leaves, on pubescent
or greyish white tomentose peduncles, 1-1.5 cm long. Flowers white, cream, greenish, or pale
yellow, pentamerous. Calyx broadly cupular, 0.6-0.8 mm, pubescent to tomentose; lobes 0.1-0.2
mm. Corolla 1.2-1.5 mm, with reflexed oblong lobes c. 0.8-0.9 mm. Stamens up to 3.5 mm.
Ovary sessile, puberulous. Pod brown, linear, coiled, up to 10 by 0.3-0.5 cm; valves membranous
to slightly woody, depressed between the seeds, glabrous, veins inconspicuous. Seeds held longitudinally
in pod; black, glossy, rectangular, 3-5 by 2 mm; areole 2.1 by 1.2 mm, open towards the
hilum; funicle folded and forming a fleshy orange aril. [from Flora Malesiana]
Originally in undisturbed and secondary forests, savanna, woodlands,
grasslands and regrowth poorly drained flood plains, sometimes
dominant, up to an altitude of 200 m. In other parts of the tropics usually found as a plantation
tree, but sometimes escaping into surrounding landscapes.
Ornamental and, especially in Sabah, extensively planted as a hardwood. The species may
be quickly spreading and has a growth rate similar to that of Paraserianthes falcataria and
may reach a height of 23 m and a diameter of 23 cm in 9 years. The wood makes excellent particle
board and could perhaps be used for furniture and cabinet-making.
Originally from eastern Australia, southern New Guinea, Aru Islands,
southern Moluccas and Sula Islands. Currently widely cultivated in western
Observed to hybridize with Acacia auriculiformis.