Shirakiopsis indica (Willd.)
Esser, Blumea 44 (1999)
Latin for 'from India'.
Excoecaria diversifolia (Miq.) Mull.Arg.
Excoecaria indica (Willd.) Mull.Arg.
Sapium bingiricum Roxb.
Sapium bingyricum Roxb. ex Baill.
Sapium diversifolium (Miq.) Boerl.
Sapium hurmais Buch.-Ham.
Sapium indicum Willd.
Shirahia indica (Willd.) Hurus
Stillingia bingyrica Baill. [Invalid]
Stillingia diversifolia Miq.
Stillingia indica (Willd.) Oken
Sub-canopy tree up to 28 m tall and 70 cm dbh. Stem with white sap. Stipules
ca. 1.5 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, glabrous, margin
toothed. Flowers ca. 1.5 mm diameter, greenish, placed in racemes. Fruits ca. 30
mm diameter, green-black, indehiscent or tardily dehiscent capsules.
In the coastal zone, along beaches, rivers and in swamps up to 100 m
altitude. The seeds can remain dormant for more than a year.
The wood is used to build canoes and for indoor construction. The fruits are
used to dye clothes black and as fish-poison. The seeds (not the fruit itself)
are edible.
India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra,
Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West-, South- and East-Kalimantan), Celebes,
Moluccas, New Guinea.
Local names
Borneo: Apid-apid, Gurah, Kebuan, Niug-niug, Rahuan.