Mallotus lackeyi Elmer, Leafl. Philip. Bot. 4 (1911)
Named after ?
Macaranga leightonii Whitmore
Mallotus sanchezii Merr.
Understorey tree up to 17 m tall and 20 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 7 mm long.
Leaves alternate, simple, peltate, palmately-veined, hairy below, leaf tip very
long and narrow. Flowers ca. 3 mm diameter, white-yellowish, placed in long
racemes. Fruits ca. 12 mm diameter, green, 3-lobed, dehiscent, spiny capsules.
Shrub to small tree up to 17 m tall, dbh up to 20 cm; bole straight to crooked; crown spreading.
Outer bark smooth to slightly fissured, knobby; sapwood soft. Indumentum dense. Branches
lenticellate, glabrescent, densely gland-dotted. Stipules usually persistent, inserted up to c.
3 mm above petiole insertion, narrowly triangular to triangular, 5-9 by 2-3.5 mm, margin entire
to irregular, involute, apex acute (to acuminate), densely hairy, especially along midrib,
gland-dotted abaxially or not. Leaves alternate to apically subopposite, peltate, distance
between leaf blade base and petiole insertion 7-38 mm; petiole 25-180 by 0.6-2.3 mm, basally
thickened, densely hairy, glabrescent, gland-dotted sparsely to densely; blade ovate (to orbicular),
5-33.5 by 3-21 cm, length-width ratio 1.2-2.3, base rounded (to truncate), margin (slightly)
dentate to irregularly wavy, marginal glands 18-33 per leaf side, apex aristate, upper surface
smooth, sparsely hairy, especially on veins and along margin, gland-dotted sparsely to densely,
basal macular glands 0-5 on veins, 4-18 mm from petiole insertion, apical macular glands 0-7 on
veins, 1-4 mm from margin, lower surface smooth, densely hairy, gland-dotted sparsely to densely,
domatia absent; venation palmate, 7¡ª10 veins from petiole insertion, 5-9 secondary veins per side
along midrib, ending parallel to or in the margin. Staminate inflorescences up to 32 cm long,
basally 1-4 mm thick, usually solitary, densely hairy, gland-dotted, nodes up to 64 per
inflorescence, flowers 1-15 per node; bracts caducous, triangular to narrowly triangular,
1.5-6.5 by 0.7-1.3 mm, margin entire, apex rounded to acute, densely hairy, usually glabrous
adaxially, gland-dotted; buds ovate with acute apex, densely hairy. Staminate flowers 3-3.5 mm
in diameter, white to yellow, not to slightly fragrant; pedicels 0.8-3 mm long, hairy, not
gland-dotted; sepals 3-5, free to basally connate, narrowly elliptic to elliptic to ovate,
sometimes recurved, 1.8-2.5 by 0.7-1 mm, margin entire, apex acute to slightly acuminate to
cuspidate, hairy abaxially, especially basally, glabrous adaxially, gland-dotted or not; stamens
up to 34, filaments up to 3.3 mm long, glabrous; anthers 0.2-0.3 by 0.4-0.5 mm, basifixed;
connective widened. Pistillate inflorescences up to 37 cm long, basally 2-4 mm thick, densely
hairy, gland-dotted, nodes up to 54 per inflorescence; bracts caducous, linear to triangular,
3.5-7 by 0.4-1.5 mm, margin entire, involute, apex acute, hairy, glabrous to hairy adaxially,
gland-dotted outside only. Pistillate flowers white to cream; bracteoles caducous, linear,
1.3-3.5 by 0.2-0.7 mm, margin entire, involute, apex acute, hairy, gland-dotted; pedicels up
to 7 mm long, often recurved at fruit maturity, hairy, gland-dotted; calyx persistent, 3-6-lobed,
basally connate, narrowly triangular to triangular, 3.5-5 by 0.6-1.8 mm, margin entire, apex acute,
hairy, glabrous adaxially, gland-dotted; ovary 3-locular, densely echinate, densely hairy,
gland-dotted, spines up to 2 mm long, densely hairy, gland-dotted or not; style persistent, up
to 1 mm long, hairy, gland-dotted; stigmas 4-5 mm long, densely covered with granulate papillae
on inside, hairy abaxially, gland-dotted outside. Fruit an echinate, lobed capsule, 10-13 by
3.5-7 mm, light green to yellow-green (to reddish), hairy, gland-dotted; carpel inside hairy, not
gland-dotted; column 3.5-5 by 5-5.5 mm. Seeds glossy, globose, c. 5 by 4.5 mm; hilum deltoid to
cordate, c. 1.5 by 1.5-2 mm. [from Flora Malesiana]
Locally common in primary and secondary forests where it prefers open places; often along streams
and rivers, in gaps, along roads, but also growing in the forest understorey; on dry and
periodically flooded areas; on most soil types, from yellow to brown sand to clay to sandstone
to limestone. Altitude: up to 800(¨C2693) m.
Borneo, Philippines.
Local names
Borneo: Belantas, Bolontos, Malantas, Sadaman markit.