Macaranga pachyphylla Müll.Arg., Prodr. 15(2): 999 (1866)

Name meaning 'thick leaves'.

Macaranga brooksii Ridl.
Macaranga curtisii Hook.f.
Macaranga curtisii var. glabra Whitmore
Macaranga semiglobosa J.J.Sm.
Tanarius curtisii (Hook.f.) Kuntze

Small trees up to ca. 13 m tall and 20 cm dbh, reproductive from 10 m tall and 12 cm dbh. Twigs solid, glabrous, rarely glaucous. Stipules ovate to triangular, usually early-caducous, spreading, not or (almost) completely surrounding the twigs, 7-17 mm long by 4-10 mm wide. Petioles glabrous, up to ca. 15 cm long. Leaves alternate, peltate, ovate, 11-18 cm long by 6.5-10.5 cm wide, length/width-ratio 1.29-1.88; secondary veins 4-11, ending in the margin or not (looping); leaf base broadly rounded to cordate, peltate margin length 2-3.5 cm; leaf margin with or without glands; leaf upper surface glabrous; leaf lower surface glabrous to hairy on veins, sometimes glaucous, sparsely to numerously gland dotted. Staminate inflorescences branched; flowers clustered per bracteole; bracteoles with entire margins. Pistillate inflorescences not branched; fruits ca. 8 mm wide, completely gland covered.

Small trees to 8(-13) m. Twigs slender, to 5 mm diam., terete, with conspicuous encircling stipule scars, softly fawn tomentose to glabrous and glaucous. Stipules ovate, 12 by 10 mm, apex broadly acute, dark brown, papery, glabrous to tomentose in centre, with sparse granular glands, erect becoming recurved, subpersistent. Leaves: petioles 8-17 cm, slender, 2 mm diam., terete, weakly to densely tomentose with at least a few spreading hairs; blades ovate, 9-18(-30) by 6-13(-25) cm, coriaceous, base broadly rounded, 2-8 cm peltate, margin sometimes recurved with protruding glandular teeth, apex acute to acuminate for 1 cm, drying chocolate brown, below with sparse granular glands and velvety from spreading hairs on all main nerves, sometimes slightly glaucous, 5 main nerves at petiole insertion. Staminate inflorescences crowded, panicles dense, 9 by 3 cm, becoming open, 19 by 7 cm, 3 axis orders, tawny tomentose to glabrous branches ascending to spreading, to 7 cm long; peduncle 1-4 cm; main axis slender, 1.5-3 mm diam., terete or flattened, coarsely ridged; lower branches often opposite, sometimes alternate, sometimes with a few axillary branches; bracts variable, ovate, 3-10 by 1-5 mm, apex obtuse-acute or acuminate, dark brown, papery, both sides slightly rusty pubescent to subglabrous, soon caducous; ultimate branches slender, bearing crowded flower clusters; bracteoles variable, erect, overlapping, persistent, ovate, strongly concave, 1-4 by 1-3 mm, usually with abrupt 1 mm caudate tip, margin entire, both sides densely rusty furfuraceous. Staminate flowers 4-6, 0.5 mm diam.; pedicel 0.5 mm;, sepals hairy; stamens 3-4, anthers 4-locular. Infructescences 4-10 cm spikes, with a few fruits towards apex; axis terete or flattened, tomentose to glabrous. Fruits globose, often slightly depressed, to 8 mm diam., black, leathery, shallowly grooved, closely granular glandular except grooves; pedicel 10 mm, stout, tomentose; sepals large (1 mm), persistent, papery; stigmas small, 1 mm, persistent, broad, apical. Seeds globose, striate, with sarcotesta. [from Flora Malesiana]

In forest understoreys up to 1700 m altitude.

Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java and Borneo.

Local names
Borneo: Asang rabata, Sedaman kubal.