Macaranga depressa (Mull.Arg.) Mull.Arg., in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866)
Latin for 'flattened'.
Pachystemon depressus Müll.Arg.
Tanarius depressus (Müll.Arg.) Kuntze
Shrub up to 10 m tall and 11 cm dbh. Twigs densely hairy. Stipules ca. 12 mm
long. Leaves alternate, 3-lobed, peltate, palmately veined, hairy below. Flowers
ca. 0.7 mm diameter, green-yellow-reddish, placed in bundles within bracts which
are placed in branched inflorescences. Fruits ca. 13 mm diameter, green-yellow,
dehiscent, horned capsules, seeds with red aril.
Small tree to 10 m tall, but often smaller or shrub-like; twigs slender, 3-7(-8) mm in diam.,
solid, not housing ants. Bark smooth, pale grey-brown. Stipules deltate, 6-12 by 5-11 mm, the pair
not completely encircling the twig, leathery, not succulent, spreading and usually perpendicular to
the twig, usually 4-8 or more pairs present on the shoots. Leaves: petioles terete, slender,
8-20 cm long, not glaucous; blades vary among forms, from very shallowly to deeply tri-lobed.
Staminate inflorescences paniculate, erect,
to 25 by 10 cm, drying black, to 3 axis orders, main axis flattened, first pair of secondary
branches +/- opposite with accessory branches; bracts ovate-elliptic, 5-14 by 4-7 mm, margin entire,
apex acute, caducous; flower clusters with 20-40 flowers, spirally arranged and grouped towards the
ends of inflorescence branches, mostly much larger than the bracteoles; bracteoles small, broadly
ovate, 3-4 by c. 3 mm, only partially enclosing flower clusters, margin entire, apex acute to
shortly acuminate. Staminate flowers c. 1 mm long, sessile; sepals fused, splitting irregularly to
c. 1/2, apex densely covered in minute red-brown hairs; stamens 1; anthers 3-locular. Pistillate
inflorescences paniculate, erect, 4-12 by 4-6 cm, stout, either unbranched or with one pair of short
opposite branches without accessory branches, the flowers clustered at ends of the axes; bracts
ovate, c. 5 by c. 4 mm, apex acute to acuminate, caducous. Pistillate flowers 3-5 mm long, solitary
in bract axils; calyx urceolate, 1-2 mm long, densely ferrugineus pubescent, with scattered yellow
granular glands towards the apex, persistent, splitting irregularly as ovary expands; ovary 4-5-
carpellate, c. 1.5 mm long; styles 2-3 mm long, with long and finely acuminate apices, expanding as
fruit matures, fused at base, free and spreading from c. 1/3 of the length, persisting to form a
prominent 3-5 mm long crown at fruit apex; stigma not dissected. Fruits subglobose, compressed,
6-8 by 8-11 mm, sessile, one discrete glandular patch on each carpel wall developing into a long
slender horn-like process 3-7 mm long, covered in yellow, sticky exudate, glabrous or rarely with
some scattered ferrugineus hairs towards the base and on the sutures. Seeds subtriangular-ovoid,
c. 4 mm diameter, black, with shallow coarse grooves and a small cruciform scar at the columella
attachment point, completely encased in a fleshy bright red aril. [from Flora Malesiana]
In open or disturbed sites in mixed dipterocarp, swamp and sub-montane
forests up to 1700 m altitude, but most common in secondary forests and scrub
vegetations. Usually along rivers and in alluvial sites, but also common along
roads and forest edges, hillsides and ridges. Also found on limestone.
Sumatra, Borneo.
Local names
Borneo: Binuah, Mahang, Penuang, Sedaman jari.