Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd., Sp. Pl. 4 (1804)

Latin for 'from the Moluccas'.

Aleurites ambinux Pers
Aleurites angustifolia Vieill.
Aleurites angustifolia Vieill. ex Guillaumin
Aleurites commutata Geiseler
Aleurites cordifolia (Gaertn.) Steud.
Aleurites cordifolius (Gaertn.) Steud.
Aleurites erratica O.Deg., I.Deg. & K.Hummel
Aleurites integrifolia Vieill.
Aleurites integrifolia Vieill. ex Guillaumin
Aleurites javanica Gand.
Aleurites lanceolata Blanco
Aleurites lobata Blanco
Aleurites moluccana var. aulanii O.Deg. & I.Deg.
Aleurites moluccana var. floccosa Airy Shaw
Aleurites moluccana var. katoi O.Deg., I.Deg. & B.C.Stone
Aleurites moluccana var. moluccana Airy Shaw
Aleurites moluccana var. remyi (Sherff) B.C.Stone
Aleurites moluccana var. serotina O.Deg. & Sherff
Aleurites moluccanus var. serotinus O. Deg. & Sherff
Aleurites moluccanus (L.) Willd.
Aleurites pentaphylla Wall. [invalid]
Aleurites remyi Sherff
Aleurites triloba J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Camirium cordifolium Gaertn.
Camerium moluccanum (L.) Kuntze
Camirium cordifolium Gaertn.
Camirium oleosum Reinw. ex Blume
Camirium oleosum Reinw. ex Müll. Arg.
Dryandra oleifera Lam.
Jatropha moluccana L.
Juglans camirium Lour.
Mallotus moluccanus (L.) Müll.Arg.
Manihot moluccana (L.) Crantz
Ricinus dicoccus Roxb.
Rottlera moluccana (L.) Scheff.
Telopea perspicua Sol. ex Seem.

Upper canopy tree up to 47 m tall and 74 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 1 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, tripli-veined, globrous to hairy, with long petioles, with two conspicuous glands at upper leaf base on petiole insertion, leaf base cordate. Flowers ca. 8 mm in diameter, white-yellowish, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 42 mm long, green-blue-black, capsules.

Mostly in disturbed places in old-growth forests or secondary forests up to 1600 m altitude. Along rivers, but mostly found on hillsides and ridges, also often near the coast. On sandy to clay soils, but also on limestone.

The wood is used for various purposes (veneer, furniture, canoes) but not construction. The latex is used as glue, chewing gum and medicin. The seeds are edible (but uncooked they are poisonous) and used as spice or for the oil (which is used to make candles). Also used as an ornamental tree.

Native from Asia and Oceania, but nowadays widely cultivated across the tropics. From India and China to the Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. In Borneo known from Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, Central-, South- and East-Kalimantan.

Local names in Borneo
Bunsangil, Buah keras, Kameri, Kami, Kemiri, Kemiting.