Elaeocarpus petiolatus (Jacq.) Wall., Numer. List 2673 (1831)

Latin for 'leaves with stalks [petioles]'.

Elaeocarpus integer Wall. ex Müll.Berol.
Ganitrus obtusus Raf.
Monocera integra Müll.Berol.

Trees to 25 m tall. Terminal buds and branchlets gummy resinous, branchlets glabrous. Petiole 3-6 cm, robust, glabrous, swollen at both ends; leaf blade oblong or elliptic, 9-18 × 4-8 cm, leathery, glabrous, lateral veins 5-8 per side, prominent abaxially, conspicuous adaxially, veinlets conspicuous on both surfaces, base acute, rounded, or obtuse, margin slightly crenate to entire, apex acuminate to acute. Racemes in axils of fallen and current leaves, 6-12 cm; peduncles glabrous or nearly so. Pedicel nearly glabrous. Sepals 5, lanceolate, 6-7 mm, abaxially pilose. Petals ca. as long as sepals, oblong, abaxially brown pubescent, upper 1/2 laciniate; segments 9-14. Stamens 20-30, pubescent; anthers long awned, curved outward. Disk 10-lobed, glabrous. Ovary 2-loculed, glabrous; style glabrous. Drupe shiny, ellipsoid, 1.5-1.8 × 0.9-1 cm; endocarp bony, furrowed, 1-loculed. Seed ca. 1 cm. [from Flora of China]

Tropical forests; sea level to 1300 m.

Wood is hard and used for construction. Some anti-inflammatory properties have been found.

From India and Southern China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan) to Indochina, western Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Borneo) and the Philippines.

Local names
China: Chang bing du ying
Vietnam: Côm, Côm có cuong, Côm cuong dài, Lôm Côm.