Elaeocarpus pedunculatus Wall. ex Masters in Hook.f., Fl. Br. Ind. 1 (1874)

Latin for 'stalked inflorescences'.

Elaeocarpus argentelus Knuth.
Elaeocarpus matangensis Knuth.

Sub-canopy tree up to 30 m tall and 52 cm dbh. Stipules dropped early. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, glabrous, long petioled, toothed margin. Flowers ca. 13 mm in diameter, white-yellow, with fimbriate petal tips, placed in racemes. Fruits ca. 11 mm long, green-blue, fleshy drupes.

In undisturbed to disturbed mixed dipterocarp, keranga, scrub and coastal forests up to 1700 m altitude. Mostly on hillsides and ridges, but also common on alluvial places. On sandy to silty soils.

Fruits are edible.

Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West- and East-Kalimantan), Philippines.

Local names
Borneo: Kalabobok, Kedok, Kelembubuk, Kolimbobok, Kungkurad, Parous-parous, Peredu, Prius-prius.