Shorea seminis (de Vriese) Sloot, in Merr. Pl. Elm. Born. (1929)

Named after the district Seminis in West Borneo.

Hopea lanceolata de Vriese
Hopea seminis de Vriese
Isoptera borneensis Scheff. ex Burck
Isoptera seminis Burk
Ridleyinda borneensis O.K.
Shorea borneensis Pierre
Shorea schefferiana Hance

Emergent tree up to 52 m tall and 126 cm dbh. Stem with resin. Stipules ca. 7 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, glabrous, often slightly glaucous below. Flowers ca. 27 mm in diameter, yellow, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 11 mm long, yellow-brown, with five slightly enlarged calyx lobes.

Medium-sized to large tree. Twig, panicle, leaf bud, stipule, petiole, midrib on both surfaces and nerves beneath shortly evenly pale grey-brown pubescent. Twig c. 1.5 mm apically, straight, slender, frequently ribbed when young; stipule scars to 1 mm long, short, descending. Bud 1.5-2.5 by 1-2 mm. slightly compressed, ovoid to falcate, acute. Stipule to 7 by 3.5 mm, oblong, obtuse, caducous. Leaves variable in size, 9-18 by 2.5-8 cm. oblong-ovate to lanceolate, glabrous or greyish lepidote beneath, thinly coriaceous; base obtuse or cuneate; acumen 0.8-2 cm long, narrow; nerves 9-15 pairs, slender, rather straight, prominent beneath, at c. 40-55 degrees; tertiary nerves slender, densely scalariform, sinuate; petiole 1-1.5 cm long. Panicle to 10 cm long, terminal or axillary to ramiflorous, terete, drying angular; regularly singly branched, branchlets to 1.7 cm long, bearing to 5 secund flowers; bracteoles linear, shortly pubescent, fugaceous. Flower bud to 8 by 2 mm, narrowly lanceolate. Calyx shortly pubescent outside. glabrous within; lobes subequal, ovate, obtuse, the inner 2 somewhat narrower and thinner than the outer 3. Petals cream, pink towards base, linear, hardly contorted, shortly tomentose outside, glabrous within; stamens 30-40; filaments compressed at base, tapering, with a few long bristles; anthers oblong, glabrous, the outer cells larger than the inner cells; appendage to connective short, setose. Ovary and stylopodium conical to hour-glass shaped, densely pubescent; style short, glabrous. Fruit calyx shortly sparsely greyish buff pubescent, lobes subequal, to 2 by 1.8 cm (usually c. 1.5 by 1.4 cm), incrassate, orbicular, rotate. Nut c. 1 cm long and diameter, ovoid or globose; style remnant to 12 mm long, stout. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 300 m altitude. Usually on alluvial sites, often gregarius.

The timber is used. The fruit are prepared in Borneo as a source of illipe butter, but are too small to be valued for export.

Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines.

Local names
Borneo: Bangkirai tanduk, Engkabang chengai, Engkabang mayo, Engkabang pelepak, Engkabang tegelam, Engkabang terendah, Kakawang bintang, Kawang, Kawang tikus, Plepah, Sangkawang, Selangan batu, Selangan batu terendah, Tapge, Tekam tegelam, Tegelam gunung, Tengkawang ayer, Tengkawang batu, tengkawang chepak, Tengkawang pelepak, Tengkawang tanggoi, Tengkawang terendak, Terindah.