Shorea parvistipulata Heim, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 2 (1891)
Latin for 'small stipules'.
Shorea cristata Brandis
Shorea nebulosa Meijer
Emergent tree up to 70 m tall and 112 cm dbh. Stem with resin. Stipules up
to ca. 14 mm long. Leaves alternate, simple, penni-veined, petiole and lower
surface with scales, feeling like sand paper, lower surface often slightly
glaucous. Flowers ca. 14 mm in diameter, yellow-pink, placed in panicles. Fruits
ca. 21 mm long, green-pink, with three ca. 106 mm long wings, wind dispersed.
Very large thinly scaly-barked buttressed tree. Leaf
bud, stipule outside, twig, petiole and leaf nervation
beneath shortly persistently pale yellow to grey-brown
scabrid tomentose, stipule inside and midrib above
evenly, not scabridly, so. Twig c. 2 mm diameter, terete,
slender, becoming smooth; stipule scars short, pale,
prominent, horizontal or descending. Bud to 6 by 4
mm, ovoid, acute. Stipule to 14 by 7 mm, ovate,
subacute. Leaves 6-20 by 3-9 cm, very variable in size
and shape, +/- oblong, chartaceous; base typically
cordate, sometimes broadly cuneate or obtuse:
acumen to 1 cm long; nerves 13-21 pairs, usually
slender, at 50-80 degrees except at the base, without secondary
nerves: tertiary nerves slender, densely scalariform;
midrib evident but applanate to depressed
above, prominent beneath: petiole 12-15 mm long,
short, terete. Panicle to 16 cm long, terminal or
axillary, terete, lax, straight, ascending, densely
shortly persistently pale brown scabrid pubescent:
singly branched, branchlets to 4 cm long, bearing to 11
distichous flowers: bracteoles to 5 by 3 mm, deltoid,
acute, puberulent, not at first caducous. Flower bud to
7 by 3 mm, lanceolate. Sepals pubescent on parts
exposed in bud: 3 outer narrowly deltoid, acute, 2
inner ovate, narrowly acuminate, shorter and thinner
at margins than outer 3. Petals cream sutfused with
pink, at base, lanceolate, pubescent on parts exposed
in bud. Stamens 15, in 3 unequal verticils: filaments
broad and compressed at base, tapering abruptly and
filiform beneath the anthers: appendage to connective
slender, glabrous, about twice length of anthers.
Ovary ovoid, densely pubescent: style filiform, about
as long as ovary, glabrous but for a pubescent ring at
base. Fruit pedicel to 2 mm long, to 3 mm diameter. Calyx
puberulent towards base, glabrescent distally: 3
longer lobes to 20 by 2.5 cm, lorate-spatulate, obtuse.
c. 11 mm broad above the to 14 by 18 mm broadly
ovate saccate thickened base: 2 shorter lobes to 8 by
0.4 cm, linear, similar at base. Nut to 2.5 by 2 cm,
ovoid, frequently crowned by a persistent filiform
style remnant, densely evenly buff pubescent.
[from Flora Malesiana]
In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 1500 m altitude. Mostly on
hillsides and ridges with clay soils, rarely on sand soils.
The timber is used.
Local names
Borneo: Engkabanh pinang, Engkabang tukul, Kenuar kapas, Meranti, Rangu, Seraya lupa,
Seraya merah, Tahan lutup, Tengerawan kuning.